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I got a sneak peek of Gwen Stefani’s L.A.M.B. fall 2010 collection of handbags, and while I loved them, I couldn’t help but think that they looked familiar. A few of the bags echoed it-bags of the past and present, and after looking at the L.A. Times Magazine’s 50 Signature Handbags feature, I began to connect the dots. I’m not a big fan of replicas, but these It-bags were popular for a reason. If you can’t shell out thousands of dollars for a popular handbag, or it’s no longer available, the L.A.M.B. collection, available this July and August, is the perfect medium that doesn’t look cheap.
The Balenciaga Motorcycle Bag ($898) is still cool and available–head to the Billion Dollar Babes Balenciaga handbag sample sale today–but the original Balenciaga will run you $1,195. This L.A.M.B. Vivian Satchel coming out this fall ($348) mimics the tough girl look, and the outside zipper pocket on the Balenciaga bag, but it’s larger, and can hold your everyday essentials.
Hollywood starlets like Nicole Richie and Jessica Simpson carried the Yves Saint Laurent Mombasa ($1,045) bag all over town, and although I love the deer horn handle and the supple leather, the bag is entirely out of my budget. This L.A.M.B. Grant large sac ($228) is larger than its it-bag counterpart, and it’s made of nylon, which is great for traveling.
Designer Alexander Wang is creating a new type of cool luxury, and his Brenda Zip Chain Bag ($725) is so popular because of the pockets, zipper details, and long chains that almost look like jewelry. The L.A.M.B. Calico Messenger bag ($248) is sans chains, but it has the same feel of the Wang bag for a fraction of the cost.
Sarah Jessica Parker made the Dior Saddle Bag a must have when she wore it on the Sex And The City series (get the white dress she wears in Sex And The City 2), and the shape is still fresh, you can get the Christian Dior Limited Edition Chris 1947 Red Pony Hair Saddle Bag ($400) now. This L.A.M.B. Fleur cross body bag ($168) has a similar shape, and the exposed zipper and longer strap bring it up to date.
Indulge in your handbag obsession some more with our guides to the best chain strap bags, the best really big tote bags, and the best designer handbags.