
5 Foods You Shouldn't Be Eating After Your 30s For Weight Loss

July 8, 2017 by Blair Donovan
shefinds | Food

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Once you hit 30, your body unfortunately starts reminding you that you're no longer the spring chicken you used to be. As if showing signs of aging weren't bad enough, heading into your 30s means it's only downhill from there when it comes to weight loss. As you age, it gets harder for your body to fight off fat, so a healthy diet is of the utmost importance now more than ever. Steer clear of these five foods to maintain your figure after you hit the big 3-0.


[Photos: Shutterstock]

worst foods thirties

Creamy Pastas

Good old fettucine alfredo makes the perfect, creamy, delicious comfort food, but avoid heavy pastas whenever possible as you age. Most restaurant pasta dishes come in huge servings, so try to limit yourself to a side portion. Also, choose whole-grain pastas with a ton of vegetables. For an even healthier noodle alternative, whip up a batch of spaghetti squash. 

worst foods thirties


Bacon tastes so amazing that it should be awarded a food group of its own, but it's a big no-no for weight loss after your 30s. According to Eat This, Not That!, 68 percent of bacon's calories come from fat, most of which is saturated fat that doesn't do any wonders for your body. This might be one of your hardest goodbyes, but do it for your health.

worst foods thirties


Another one of your favorite breakfast delights made it on the banned foods list for weight loss past your 30s. Bagels are equivalent to about four slices of bread, so they're essentially just delicious circles of carbs. Once you throw cream cheese into the mix, your beloved breakfast sandwich has even more unnecessary calories. Stick with whole-wheat bagels and do your best to resist the temptation to add cream cheese. 

worst foods thirties


Margarine might seem like the better option over butter, but don't be fooled. According to Harvard Health, margarine might actually be worse for your health. This butter-alternative is loaded with trans fat, even though it has less saturated fat than actual butter. Turns out you can believe it's not butter, and you should keep both off limits whenever possible.

worst foods thirties

Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn is a movie night staple item, but it's one of the worst foods to eat for weight loss. Microwave popcorn actually has hints of certain chemicals, and some brands lather the popcorn in butter. If you want to get your popcorn fix, make the stovetop version. 


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