Just like the rest of us, celebrities love to party, and sometimes they overdo it. There’s nothing worse than being more wasted than you should be in a given situation, and then having to play it off like you’re not. It’s a good thing that cameras aren’t there to capture our every move.
However, this is not so for the celeb set. When they’re under the influence in the wrong situation, cameras are rolling. It’s entertaining for us…probably not so much for them, but we guess that’s the price you pay for fame.
These 10 celebrities all had some of their most-wasted moments filmed and aired on national television. And, thanks to the magic of the internet, we can watch every stumble and slurred word over and over again.
Jenna Jameson: Who knows what cocktail of substances Jenna Jameson had ingested before this appearance on Good Day New York. The ex-porn star slurred her way though the entire interview, giving hosts Rosanna Scotto and Greg Kelly mostly incoherent answers.
Want more celeb goodness? Don’t forget to check out:
Lupita Nyong’o’s People magazine 50 Most Beautiful cover,
12 celebrities who have sex tapes, and
the shadiest celebrity quotes[Photo Credit: Splash News]