9 Things Brides Always Forget To Do AFTER Their Wedding Ceremony

April 17, 2018 by Linda DiProperzio


The big day has come and gone, so it’s easy to believe that your bridal to-do list has now been completed. Believe it or not, there are still quite a few wedding-related things you still need to get done. These tasks can be super easy to forget because you’re basking in the glow of newlywed bliss.

One of the things we hear from recent brides over and over again was how fast everything unfolded and all the things they forgot to do. So consider this your warning: after you walk down the aisle as husband and wife, make time to check these must-dos off your wedding day to-do list.

Here are nine that you want to be sure to get done soon after the honeymoon.

1. Write Vendor Reviews

Woman on laptop

If your wedding vendors have truly done a spectacular job, you’re sure to rave to them about friends and family. “Brides forget, however, that there is a whole new batch of engaged couples now trying to plan their Big Day who could really benefit from sharing their own experiences,” says Heather Jones of Wente Vineyards. “So take to the internet and leave an online review- it will also be deeply appreciated by the event professionals themselves.”

2. Change Your Last Name

While you don’t have to do the official name change, many brides who choose to take their husband’s last name still forget to do it, says Kelsey Bowen of Little Things Favors.

3. Send Out Thank You Notes

A lot of brides forget to write their thank you cards in a timely fashion. We live in an instant gratification society, so it’s important to get those thank you notes written and sent out ASAP, says Kevin Dennis of Wedding IQ.

4. Make Final Payments

If brides forget to pay their vendors prior to their ceremony, they should definitely do that right away, says Janessa White of Simply Eloped. “You’d be surprised how frequently couples forget to do this.”

5. Clean The Dress

A lot of fun happens in your dress. Be sure to have it professionally cleaned and preserved promptly after the wedding, says Lindsey Nickel of Lovely Day Events.

6. Spend Time with Friends

You don’t want to let friendships fall by the wayside, so be sure to make plenty of time for your girlfriends after the big day.

7. Finalize Photography

Brides sometimes forget that there are many more decisions ahead of them when it comes to their wedding photography, it doesn’t just end once they have hired someone to capture it, says Keith Phillips of Classic Photographers. “Once their gallery is received, they’ll want to decide which work best for their album and which are fit for print.”

8.Preserve The Cakes’s Top Tier

If you have someone holding onto the top tier of your wedding cake while you’re on honeymoon, be sure to pick it up from them immediately and put it in the freezer, says Jones. “Cake does not last as long as you may think and if you plan on enjoying it as a tradition on your first wedding anniversary, then it needs to get into a freezer immediately.”

9. Take Your Parents Out

If your parents paid for all or some of the wedding, find a special way to thank them for their generosity. Take them out to dinner, buy them tickets to a show, buy them a nice bottle of wine–whatever you think they will enjoy.

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