You have worked so hard to get to this day and the last thing you need is a disturbance of the peace. You could play out every single scenario in your head and still something unexpected may go wrong on your wedding day. That’s why we’re here–to help you handle it like a pro.
Did your “friend” invite an uninvited date? He’ll soon figure out he doesn’t have a table card and he’ll feel like an idiot and they’ll probably spend the evening fighting. Not awesome. As for your great aunt who insists on wearing paste for lipstick? Yep, she’ll probably lipstick your hubs’ shirt collar. #Fail. But since you pretty much know these things are inevitable, you can plan ahead with a neatly pressed twin shirt hanging on-site in a linen closet or a few extra escort cards and empty seats just in case. Click through the slideshow for 10 ways your reception could get really awkward—and how not to let it ruin your day.
Also, learn
how to stay sane while planning your wedding and the
7 biggest distractions to avoid in the months leading up to the big day.
Red Ribbon Studio]