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If your guest list is as long as a small town in Idaho, it’s time to trim the fat. There are just some people you shouldn’t and don’t need to invite in the first place: from your ex-boyfriend to that bitchy frenemy, and more.
Guest list etiquette can be tricky; who you invite in your family and group of friends is a personal decision, but there is a cast of characters who should never come.
1. Your Ex.
I don’t care how “cool” you are with this person or how long it’s been since the break-up, inviting your ex to your wedding is unnecessary and inevitably awkward.
2. Your Fall-Down Drunk Friend.
Yes, your black-out buddy is hilarious for drawing penises on, but do you really want him/her mingling with your bosses or great aunt Edna?
3. Your Frenemy.
We do believe in keeping your enemies close, but not on the most important day of your life. If she has a tendency to say things that really hurt, she doesn’t need to be there.
4. Your Groom’s Ex.
Do you really want to see her face on the happiest day of your life?
5. Your 16th Cousin.
Even though you’re technically blood-related, your extended-extended-extended family is not worth $200/plate. Even Emily Post would agree that you don’t have to invite them.
6. Your Therapist.
This person has way too much dirt on you — add alcohol and an open mic, and this could be truly dangerous.
7. The Mailman.
Some overly generous brides feel the need to invite every nice person they know — yes, Oscar the mailman is super sweet and you do see him every day, but he doesn’t need to be there when you tie the knot. Ditto for the Chinese food delivery man, gas station attendant and manicurist.
8. The Casual Acquaintance.
There is a big difference between “friends” and “friendly.” The Litmus test: do you know their middle name, hometown or pet’s name?
9. Clients.
Nobody, and I mean nobody wants to be working on their wedding day; if you do have a client who borderlines on friend and you do want to keep happy, consider inviting them to the engagement party or bridal shower, where a little schmoozing is more appropriate.
10. Your Baby Daddy.
The father of your children plays a major role in you and your kids’ lives, but he does not need to be invited to the wedding.
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