5 Simple Ways To Prevent Inner Thigh Chafing #NoThighGap

June 1, 2016 by Rachel Gulmi


For those of us that don’t have a thigh gap, we’re all too familiar with our inner thighs rubbing together. Let’s just say it’s not exactly a comfortable feeling. Inner thigh chafing is definitely one of those issues that is bound to happen to most girls at some point or another, especially if you don’t have skinny legs. Obviously, “chub rub” is much more problematic in the summertime, so here are five ways to prevent inner thigh chafing!

1. Baby powder. Wherever your thighs rub, simply sprinkle on some baby powder and this will help your legs from sticking. Reapply as needed.

2. Vaseline/body lotion. If you use a lubricate on your thighs, this will make them “glide” as you walk, therefore no rubbing!

3. Deodorant. This might be the oldest trick in the book. Chafing occurs when there is moisture and rubbing, much like your underarms, so it only makes sense that antiperspirant would help prevent chafing.

4. Lace thigh bands. Have you ever heard of Bandelettes? They are wide, elastic lace bands that sit on your upper thighs to keep them from rubbing. They even have non-slip silicone strips to ensure they stay in place throughout the day.

5. Coconut oil. Much like Vaseline or body lotion, coconut oil will provide a slick surface for your legs. Plus, it’s super moisturizing!

I’d like to point out that not having a thigh gap is no big deal. Of course, there are a bunch of hashtags on Instagram (#thighgap, #thinspo, etc.) that promote a skinnier look, but the bottom line is to love your body for what it is! If your legs happen to rub together when you walk, then so be it. Try these five tips and be on your way to summer comfort!

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[Photo: Shutterstock]


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