This Wearable Device Alleviated My Stress And Helped Me Feel More Relaxed

August 7, 2023 by Victoria Garcia


You’ve probably heard of several different so-called solutions to live a stress-free life. Meditation, exercise, sleep and eating healthy are four of the main ways that experts say you can combat your stress levels. It’s not to say they don’t work, but they’re incredibly hard to master when life is so busy and well, stressful. But have you ever heard of a wearable device that could help you alleviate stress? We didn’t know a product like this existed until we heard about the Apollo wearable.

The Apollo wearable is a small device worn on the wrist, ankle, or as a clip attached to your clothing that transforms how you feel through your sense of touch giving you more energy, less stress, a brighter mood, deeper relaxation & better flow. Apollo delivers soothing vibrations that are like music your body can feel — higher vibrations help improve our energy and focus, while lower vibrations reduce stress and help you relax. These vibrations help you feel safe and in control and improve your body’s resilience to stress. Unlike other wearables, the Apollo doesn’t just track your health, sleep, heart rate or steps, but is proven to actively improve your overall health.

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to test out the Apollo wearable for a few weeks. Truthfully, the smallest things stress me out and cause me to become anxious so I was curious to see how this device would improve my overall stress levels and help me relax. The directions advised me to wear the Apollo for a minimum of three hours a day, five days a week during the day and night for 30 days, so that’s exactly what I did! I decided to wear it on my wrist as I thought I would give me the best results and I could also be visibly reminded that I had it on throughout the day.

I was very curious to see what these vibrations would feel like. Would they be extremely noticeable? Or would they feel like a small little touch on my wrist? First, I had to download the Apollo Neuro app, create an account then connect my device to the app. There are several different vibration patterns, called Apollo vibes, to choose from including Energy, Calm, Focus, Recover, Unwind and Fall Asleep. I started with the Energy Vibe and began to feel small vibrations on my wrist that felt like little relaxing waves. Each Vibe is designed to help you reach certain goals with different vibration patterns and you can select the duration and intensity. This part was extremely cool and interesting as I noticeably felt the difference in some of the modes as I switched between them throughout the day. I also set the duration and intensity for different Vibes depending on my mood and situation for the day. Another great feature on the app is the ability to create an automated daily schedule that transitions throughout your day, which allows the wearable to be more personalized.

The Apollo comes with a Velcro strap that easily attaches to your wrist or ankle and isn’t too clunky or heavy. It looks very similar to a smart watch but is much more discreet which I truly appreciated. So does the Apollo work? Scroll down to hear more about my journey using the device and learn more about the science behind this wearable.

The Apollo Wearable, $349

I’ve never worn a wearable before, but I was pleasantly surprised by how lightweight and non-restraining this device felt. I started using the device first thing in the morning after I had my daily cup of tea and started my workday. This is usually when I catch up on emails and make my to-do list for the day which normally causes a sense of anxiety and dread. The vibrations were not overwhelming but started to feel like a small comfort to me. When we feel stressed, our fight-or-flight response in our nervous system is activated and leaves us feel overwhelmed, distracted and tired so the Apollo wearable signals safety to the body through these vibrations and helps to calm and restore balance in the nervous system. I can say that the vibrations definitely calmed me down and helped me relax at certain times.

The Apollo wearable, $349

So, what is my overall verdict? After wearing the device for a few weeks, I felt a sense of calm throughout my day that normally didn’t occur. I didn’t feel as stressed as I normally did when it came to my day-to-day tasks at work or my social calendar. I usually have difficulty falling asleep at night as my mind usually races and my thoughts get the best of me, but I found myself falling asleep faster than usual. I still maintained my regular lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising daily, but with the addition of the Apollo into my routine, I felt relief and calm in circumstances when I usually would be stressed and anxious.



Apollo Neuro, lifestyle, Shop, sponsored, stress management, Wearable