Beauty Find: Doesn?t it Feel Good to Regress

October 25, 2006 by natasha

What: LUSH Big Natural Shampoo for thin, lifeless hair

Why: If a fountain of youth for hair does exist, surely this is the stuff that flows from it. Your hair will regress back to a simpler time, a time before you stayed out too late, drank and smoked too much, and submitted your hair to such tortures as bleach and flat irons. Several years of this will leave your formerly healthy, bouncy mane, lifeless and thinning. An expertly formulated infusion of lemons, seaweed, and sea salt crystals leaves hair with masses of volume and texture. Past indiscretions are forgiven, and BIG Shampoo gives your hair what we’re all longing for. A fresh, clean start.

Price: $17.95

Find It: LUSH.com


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