These Are The Best False Lashes For Beginners… And They’re From The Drugstore!

July 25, 2017 by Stephanie Melia


Here’s a confession: I used to be seriously terrified of wearing false eyelashes. Not only did the idea of applying them make my palms sweat, but I was also worried about how they’d look. Trust me, I really wanted to use them, but I figured everyone would notice I was wearing fake lashes.

Despite all my fears, I actually stumbled upon the best. lashes. ever. It happened when I was feeling ambitious while getting ready to go out. Sick of the same ‘ol eye makeup and in need of some real glam, I pulled out lashes that I had been saving for the day I was brave enough to try them: KISS’ Blooming Lash in Camellias. I was ready for a 30-minute process of screwing up, having to re-do apply them over and over, and probably having to take them off in the end, but I was pleasantly surprised. More like shocked, actually. I’m not kidding when I say the process took me less than 3 minutes because of how easy they went on. And the application were so easy and clear, I didn’t make any mistakes!

Even better, these lashes look so natural. They blended right into my natural lashes perfectly, giving me a nice boost in length and volume. People really had no clue I was wearing falsies. I wore them for a night out, but I am definitely going to be wearing them on a more regular basis because they’re so easy to put on and look so good.

The best part? These lashes are so cheap; you can get a set at the drugstore for less than $5!


Be sure to check out the best drugstore beauty products!


Beauty, makeup
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