
Get 50% OFF Soothing Rose Water Skincare Products With Code DEAL9

December 21, 2021 by Jaya Farrer
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At SheFinds, we’re a bunch of skincare gurus. We’re always looking for the best and most effective products and tools that will give you healthy, youthful-looking skin… For an affordable price. And, right now, 100% Pure is in the middle of their 12 Days of Giving. Today, their sale includes the Rose Water Face Mist and Hydrating Milk. This is not a deal you want to miss—you can get these natural, hydrating products for 50% off today when you use code: DEAL9.

Rose Water Face Mist ($15 with code DEAL9)

If you don’t have a face mist, you *need* one… Preferably, the Rose Water Face Mist. Facial sprays are an easy way to get moisture that sinks into your skin, and this face mist gives you the perfect boost of hydration with just a few spritzes. It tones and balances the skin with rose hydrosol, aloe vera, and chamomile while glycerin locks in the moisture.

Apply this face mist as your first step (after cleansing) for a serious hydration boost. It acts as a base to prep your skin for the rest of your routine—and this mist can even be used as a moisturizing makeup setting spray!

Rose Water Hydrating Milk ($22 with code DEAL9)

This Rose Water Hydrating Milk is a super lightweight facial moisturizer that nourishes all skin types. Made of rose hydrosol and hyaluronic acid, this moisturizer can be used morning and/or night for instant hydration. It calms and soothes redness and irritation with natural, clean ingredients.

Apply a few pumps to your skin after the Rose Water Face Mist, pressing the moisturizer into your skin. Massage the face to increase blood flow and improve hydration.

This deal is for today only, so don’t wait! These prices are unbeatable and the products are incredible… Remember to use code DEAL9 to get 50% off the best rose water skincare items.

The editors at SheFinds wrote this post on behalf of 100% Pure and received compensation as part of our agreement.


Shopping & Products Editor

Jaya Farrer is a writer and editor with a love of fashion, beauty, and shopping for amazing sales. She is notorious for spending unreasonable amounts of time searching for ways to get the latest trends for cheap. You can reach Jaya at [email protected].


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