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Few bags are more iconic than the notorious Louis Vuitton Neverfull style. Whether it’s decked out with the “LV” monogram or the classic checker print, this leather staple falls at the top of every oversized tote enthusiast’s wishlist. Even the trademark print itself is enough to make any observer go gaga. And, as the name boasts, it’s never full, meaning you can stuff your entire makeup drawer in there with room to spare. It’s also the ideal “Mom Bag” size. But, at a meager $1,260 dollars. You could buy more than 25 bags from Zara with that kind of money! Even though the heart wants what it wants, your wallet insists otherwise, so this is where knockoff shopping comes into play. Knockoffs get a bad rep for looking so noticeably different than the actual product. But, check out our comprehensive guide on the best ways to buy cheap Louis Vuittons and lookalike versions. You don’t have to rob a bank or resort to the Black Market.
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM ($1,260)
1) Look for similar patterns. You can spot a real LV bag from a mile away, so a fake one is just as easy to detect. It’s much harder to find authentic-looking versions of the traditional monogram print, but you can easily find a similar checkered pattern from your favorite retailers. We scoured the depths of the Internet, and discovered an insanely affordable lookalike Louis Vuitton wallet from Amazon, a knockoff custom hand painted Speedy bag from Etsy, and another look alike Speedy from Bags Heaven. If you’re open to a different monogram, Micheal Kors has an extremely similar style to the Neverfull with “MK” emblazoned on the dark leather at much more of a steal. Ralph Lauren also followed suit with the “RLL” monogram on a bag so identical looking that we assure you people won’t even know the difference from afar.
2) If the website looks sketchy, steer clear. We get it—you’ll go to great lengths to get your hands on a Louis Vuitton-esque bag, no matter what it takes. But, if the website you’re bag shopping on looks like something you could have designed in kindergarten, it might be in your best interest to take your business elsewhere. The deals are probably too good to be true, anyway.
3) Look on used clothing websites. If you’re absolutely set on buying the real deal, then there’s no point in wasting your money on a knockoff if you know you won’t use it. To get the best bang for your buck, you need to troll websites like Ebay, Poshmark, and even Etsy for discounted versions of original bags. A used Louis Vuitton is better than paying full price any day. Make sure that you communicate with the seller to confirm that it’s actually an authentic LV discounted bag, rather than just a knockoff. Ask the seller to take photos of any serial numbers, authenticity cards, receipts, or tags to prove the original value of the bag. Poshmark even has a free authentication service for items over $500 called Posh Concierge. If you buy a luxury item, like a Louis Vuitton bag, it gets sent to their headquarters, where their team analyzes the product to verify that it’s the real deal.
Happy bargain hunting!
For more knockoff styles, check out how to shop for knockoff Birkenstocks, Chanel knockoffs, and knockoff Ray-Bans.
[Photo: Shutterstock]