2 Hair Oils You Should Be Using Every Night To Fight Hair Loss & Achieve Thicker Locks

January 6, 2024 by Lisa Cupido


If one of your greatest hair challenges is dealing with thinning hair and shedding, you may be overlooking one of your biggest hair accomplices: hair oils. You may only be familiar with after-styling oils that combat frizz and get your locks as smooth as possible, but you are neglecting a number of other oil types that are perfect for your scalp. The right oil on your scalp can boost hair follicle growth, condition your roots, and promote healthier, stronger hair. But with so many hair oils on the market, how do you know which one is right for thinning and shedding? 

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There are two hair oils that really stand out and can help with your greatest hair challenges. Here’s what you need to know about the two hair oils you can use every night to combat thinning and shedding. 

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil is the more popular of the two oils that so many have turned to for hair growth benefits. The reason this oil is highly recommended is because it boosts blood circulation to the scalp and encourages new hair growth. When it was tested against 2 percent Minoxidil it even proved to be just as effective — a great natural alternative. 

Rosemary oil can help control the spread of bacteria and fungi, so it’s also a great pick to help keep your scalp healthy. It contains fatty acids and vitamins, can reduce inflammation, and nourishes your scalp and hair. 

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Not as prevalent or talked about as rosemary oil, pumpkin seed oil is another fantastic hair oil that’s becoming a popular natural hair growth aid. A 2014 study found that this oil blocks 5-alpha reductase and has antiandrogenic effects on rats. In other words, it helps prevent hair shedding so that your scalp has more time to grow hair that it has already shed. 

Carrier Oils

Be aware that many essential oils shouldn’t be applied directly to the scalp, as they can be too harsh and irritating alone. Mixing them with a carrier oil like coconut oil dilutes some of their harsher qualities. Massage the oil onto your scalp 2-3 times a week and allow it to sit for 30 minutes or so. Then wash it out with a quality shampoo and conditioner that does not contain sulfates or other ingredients that strip hair of oils. 

Before you begin using hair oils to treat thinning hair, it’s important to have realistic expectations of what they can and can’t do. These oils can support hair growth and help prevent shedding. They can nourish the scalp and keep it healthy, which also helps with growth. But they can’t, alone, work miracles. There may be other issues contributing to hair loss that are important to get a handle on, such as stress or other factors. If your hair concerns are upsetting to you, do yourself a favor and also visit a dermatologist or trichologist to get to the heart of your hair loss issues. 

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