2 iPhone Browsing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs To Protect Your Personal Data

December 20, 2022 by Lisa Cupido


Have you ever wondered if you are being as secure and private as possible while you’re browsing the internet? If the answer is “yes,” you could probably use a few good tips on browsing safely. “In today’s increasingly digital world, smartphones are essential tools for staying connected, doing business, and keeping up with the news,” said Tech Expert Rick Costa from Houselectric.com. “However, with their convenience and accessibility come certain risks. One of the most significant risks is the potential for your personal data to be breached while browsing the internet on your iPhone. To ensure your personal data remains secure, there are several mistakes you should avoid when browsing the internet on your iPhone.”

Before you hop online or take your laptop or phone over the nearest coffee shop and pass time on networks that aren’t secure, be aware of these two iPhone browsing mistakes Costs says you should avoid at all costs to protect your personal data. 

Not Using a VPN

Having an unsecured network connection can leave your personal data vulnerable to malicious actors on the internet, according to Costa. “A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure way to keep your data safe when browsing the internet,” Costa said. “A VPN encrypts all of your data, making it difficult for anyone to access or steal. Additionally, a VPN can even help you access certain websites and content that would otherwise be blocked or restricted. Therefore, it is essential to use a VPN when browsing the internet on your iPhone.”

Not Updating Your Apps

When using apps on your iPhone, it is important to ensure that you are using the latest versions. “App developers are constantly releasing updates to their products to address any bugs, add new features, and make sure their products are secure,” Costa said. “If you are not using the latest version of an app on your iPhone, you may be missing out on important security patches. Additionally, failing to update your apps can also leave your personal data vulnerable to cybercriminals. Therefore, you should make sure to regularly update your apps to ensure they are secure.”

Avoiding these two big mistakes is key to keeping your data protected. “Browsing the internet on your iPhone can be a convenient and enjoyable experience,” Costa said. “However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with it. By avoiding the two mistakes outlined above, you can help ensure your personal data remains secure.”

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