
Want To Slow Down Aging? These Are The 20 Foods Women Over 50 Should Eat Daily To Look A Decade Younger

August 10, 2024 by Maria Pierides
shefinds | Food

As we age, maintaining youthful, vibrant skin becomes more and more important; especially after the age of 50. While genetics and lifestyle choices play significant roles in how we age, diet is a powerful tool that can actually help turn back the clock.

We spoke to a number of different health experts about the foods they recommended for slowing down aging. For example, Angela Caglia, celebrity facialist and anti-aging expert, says: “Eat foods high in saturated fat, salt, or sugar, and your skin tends to make you look 10 years older. Conversely, eat a diet low in fat, sodium and sugar, with copious amounts of fruit and nuts, vegetables, and lean protein, and watch the compliments about your youthful appearance pour in.”

And that’s not all; those seeking to maintain youthful skin and a luminous complexion beyond their fifties should also look to foods that stimulate collagen production, thereby promoting healthy, supple skin that radiates with a dewy glow. Keep reading to discover some of the foods that health experts recommend for slowing down the signs of aging, including those that actively promote collagen production…

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a close up view of a ceramic bowl filled with fresh blueberries

1. Blueberries

Eating more blueberries is a great way to give your skin a more youthful look. Angela Caglia, celebrity facialist and anti-aging expert, explains the benefits of this powerhouse fruit: "Despite their diminutive size, pack a wallop of a punch when it comes to their concentration of antioxidant compounds, the literal shield that protects you against anti-aging free radicals."

Since it isn't possible to completely prevent wrinkles from forming with age, staying hydrated and eating a myriad of nutrient-rich fruit is key to maintain a youthful glow. One fruit that is linked to supporting collagen synthesis and that contains healthy antioxidants is blueberries.

Dr. Emmanuel Loucas, MD, Director of SINY Dermatology and assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, explains that they are "thick in antioxidants, which help protect the skin from daily environmental and internal insults." Additionally, blueberries are rich in vitamin A & C, and the latter fights collagen breakdown. Loucas says that blueberries are also well-known to have anti-inflammatory properties. "Inflammation is a common denominator for many skin ailments including photoaging, eczema, acne, and rosacea, just to name a few," he points out.

white bowl of cherries

2. Cherries

Cherries are another delicious ingredient to add to your diet to help you look younger.

Dr. Amanda Doyle, Board Certified Dermatologist & Lycored Brand Ambassador, explains, "Cherries contain antioxidants and micronutrients as well as Vitamin A and C, iron, folic acid, and calcium. Antioxidants possess powerful anti-aging properties and vitamin A and C have been shown to have photoprotective properties." These photoprotective properties can help guard your skin against sun damage.

egg white omelette with vegetables avocado and cherry tomatoes

3. Egg Whites

Collagen and other amino acids that are good for the skin are found naturally in egg whites, Dr. Anna Chacon, MD, board-certified dermatologist and writer at My Psoriasis Team, says, which also give you nutritious protein. "Collagen is the key component in preventing fine lines and wrinkles, and it is believed that this natural supply of collagen from egg whites can aid your body's natural collagen synthesis," she stresses.

When it comes to sagging skin, egg white collagen "increases suppleness, reduces wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes, and on the face," she notes. As for how much of these to eat per day, Chacon says that "generally speaking, eating up to seven eggs a week" is great for your skin, and this "won't harm your heart health." Some of her patients "opt to consume egg whites alone, skipping the yolk," which still contains some protein, but no cholesterol.

fresh avocado getting peeled with a spoon

4. Avocados

Avocados are "excellent superfoods for radiant skin" at any age, Chacon says, especially for mature beauties. She recommends "eating them as a snack or in a substantial salad." They are also incredibly high in vitamin E and good fats, she explains. "You can consume avocados to help shield yourself from aging and sun damage," she points out. Although some avocados are "wrinkled and green," they can make your skin "sparkle and appear younger," she continues.

Your skin's collagen is repaired by vitamin A in avocados, she adds. Since avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fat, they "help you feel fuller for longer and are tougher to overeat because they have a tendency to fill you up," she goes on, stressing that they can also help with general health and weight loss goals as well. "I would advise eating between a half and a whole avocado every day," she suggests. Using avocado oil in cooking and skincare is also a great way to reap the benefits of this fruit.

red ripe tomato fruits grow in garden

5. Tomatoes

When thinking of an accessible superfood to add to one's diet for skin health, Chacon recommends tomatoes. "Tomatoes are fantastic components that may be used in a wide variety of recipes," she says, adding that "they are also regarded as a fantastic skin-friendly superfood." They are high in beta carotene and vitamin C, she explains, which "contributes to this in part."

A pigment found in tomatoes called lycopene "helps the skin protect itself from UV damage and increases collagen production twofold," Chacon continues. Tomatoes, which are high in vitamin C, should be "included in the diet of anyone looking for skin-healthy foods." You can get "numerous vitamins and minerals from eating tomatoes every day," she says, and they're also super easy to add to salads, breakfast bowls, etc.

baby kale and beets salad

6. Kale

Kale is another great food to incorporate into your regular diet to give your skin a youthful glow.

Caglia explains its health benefits: "It may not taste that great, but it's a dynamo for its power-packed cocktail of antioxidants to fight those free radicals. Mixed with fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, it’s a detox for your skin."

handful of almonds

7. Almonds

Caglia also loves almonds for their powerful effect on the appearance of your skin. She explains, "Almonds are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, which may help protect cells from damaging effects of free radicals, caused by pollution, UV rays from the sun, and other factors."

Caglia continues, "They also contain zinc, which contributes to the integrity of healthy skin."

collagen protein powder added with measuring scoop in a glass of water

8. Collagen Protein

Dr. Josh Axe, founder of Ancient Nutrition and, explains "Collagen is the most important and abundant protein in the body, keeping it healthy and young for a long time."

Collagen protein with its high antioxidant content can keep your skin looking young and glowing.

plate of sushi featuring fresh salmon and tuna

9. Fatty Fish

When it comes to your skin, there are plenty of benefits offered from fatty fish, Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Future Bright Dermatology, says. "Fish is an excellent protein source, which supplies amino acids for our body to make collagen," she notes.

Collagen, she reiterates, is the protein responsible for supple skin and its elasticity, and can be taken in supplement form daily while also found in many foods.

"Fish skin is a rich source of collagen, and salmon is also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may enhance collagen formation," Kung points out.

roasted broccolo with garlic on a dark wooden platter

10. Broccoli

Not only is broccoli great for promoting weight loss through its high fiber content, but it's also known for improving your skin barrier and preserving your youthful appearance as well. According to Chacon, cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage can help to stimulate stem cell production, leading to a brighter complexion.

"These vegetables are full of these antioxidants and compounds which help to boost the enzymes in the liver that help to counteract harmful toxins we might digest or breathe then," Chacon explains. "Within the skin, you might see more of a glow, and less breakouts for example such as acne flares."

pomegranate cut in half

11. Pomegranates

Dr. Enrizza P. Factor, dermatologist and writer at My Eczema Team, notes that you’ve probably heard the saying, "you are what you eat." When it comes to "how well your skin ages, this is especially true," she says. She adds that pomegranates are "high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties" that may "improve the skin’s elasticity and protect against skin damage and premature aging."

Eating just one pomegranate gives you about "28 mg of vitamin C," according to WebMD, which is almost "50 percent of your daily recommended intake." Adding more vitamin C to your diet through pomegranates can "be effective at preventing the onset of wrinkles," Factor continues. She stresses that this eating this nutrient, along with "drinking plenty of water, protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and managing your stress" plays a key role when it comes to "keeping your skin healthy and youthful."

colorful quinoa salad with mixed vegetables

12. Quinoa

When preparing bowls or salads, Jess Hernandez, skincare expert and Director of Product Development at City Beauty, suggests adding quinoa to your dishes for a more glowing complexion. Quinoa, Hernandez says, is "a great source of plant-based protein, and it's an excellent food for glowing skin."

This ancient grain is one of the greatest dietary sources of riboflavin, she explains, which helps in "keeping skin firm" while also potentially lessening the "appearance of wrinkles and fine lines."

fresh green spinach leaves on wooden table and in a bowl

13. Spinach

Spinach contains "calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, choline, folate, riboflavin, and vitamins A, C, E, K, B6," which Kung says are all vital regarding the appearance of your skin, hair and nails.

"Foods that contain vitamins A, C, E and carotenoids are wonderful for skin health and prevent skin aging because they are potent antioxidants," Kung adds. She tells us that vitamins A, C, E and E prevent "discoloration and pigmentary changes that ages our appearance." Vitamin C in particular, she reiterates, is a "really important part" of collagen synthesis.

three bean salad in a bowl

14. Beans & Legumes

To follow a healthy diet that will "optimize skin health," Factor says "you should consume foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties." While beans and legumes might not be the first foods that come to mind when thinking of glowing skin, eating these often can lead to that, Factor stresses.

She says that "legumes like black beans, navy beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, peas and lentils" are all great foods to keep in mind for supple skin.

hard boiled eggs peeled and cut in half with salt and pepper

15. Eggs

While Chacon stressed that egg whites are an optimal choice for skin health, Kung notes that eggs prepared in other ways (including scrambled, sunny side up, omelets, etc.) can be just as beneficial for your complexion.

Kung says that vitamin D in eggs has been "shown to protect the skin from UV damage and reduce inflammation."  Eggs also contain "oleic acid and palmitic acid," which Kung explains are important for maintaining our skin's lipid layer.

"Eggs contain B vitamins which are important antioxidants, help skin retain moisture, and repairs DNA damage," she stresses, and zinc is "another key mineral in healthy collagen production." The more you know!

roasted sweet potato split in two

16. Sweet Potatoes

A great source of healthy carbs, sweet potato can also provide some significant benefits to your skin for anti-aging. "Sweet potatoes are high in beta carotene as well as vitamin C. Beta carotene is essentially a derivative of vitamin A which has powerful retinol properties," notes Vanessa Coppola, APN-C, FNP-BC.

"Additionally sweet potatoes contain soluble and insoluble fiber which is essential for maintaining a healthy gut and their powerful antioxidant profile helps fight against free radicals which can rob skin of its intrinsic glow." Prioritizing your wellness from the inside out can not only help to smooth out any digestive issues, but a healthy and well-functioning gut will also reflect well on your skin.

nuts and seeds in storage containers

17. Nuts and Seeds

If tighter skin and boosted collagen production is what you're looking for, incorporating protein and healthy fats into your daily diet with some nuts and seeds is a great way to go. You can eat them as a snack (bonus points if it's a tasty trail mix combining multiple options!), throw them onto your salad for some added crunch, or even enjoy your favorite nut butters on toast. No matter how you like them, Dr. Daniel Boyer, MD, health and nutrition expert of Farr Institute, says they can be a game-changer for aging skin.

"They contain omega-3 fatty acids that can tighten skin," he explains. "Omega-3 fatty acids are a class of essential nutrients that are also found in fish and some plant foods." Additionally, these crunchy ingredients can fight inflammation and "help the body develop connective solid tissues and organs." Nice! Plus, nuts and seeds aren't only great for your skin. They can help improve your overall health thanks to their high amounts of healthy nutrient such as fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. "These foods supply vitamins and minerals in addition to providing energy," making them a staple of any healthy diet.

woman sipping a hot cup of coffee or tea

18. Coffee & Green Tea

Although not technically foods, these beverages are actually particularly useful for clearing up and brightening your skin, on top of offering your body a boost of natural energy. "You wouldn’t necessarily think tea or coffee as a "good food" for the skin but they both are rich with polyphenol – a great antioxidant that can help prevent sun damage and instances of hyperpigmentation," notes Sarah Akram, Celebrity Master Esthetician and Owner of Sarah Akram Skincare.

As for how to make sure eating or drinking these healthy ingredients can actually make an impact on your skin, she suggests, "Do an audit of your diet, set realistic goals for what you are trying to achieve and consult with your skincare professional not just on edits to your diet but a bespoke skincare regimen that will complement the changes in your diet."

chopped up dark chocolate

19. Dark Chocolate

If you've got a sweet tooth, dark chocolate might just be one of those desserts that has more nutritional value. According to nutritionist and personal trainer Ollie Laver of the Wise Fitness Academy, "Dark chocolate makes for a tasty and highly nutritious snack which can give a much-needed energy booster during a long day."

He adds: "It contains stimulatory compounds such as caffeine which can help with increased alertness. Dark chocolate is well known for its antioxidants which contribute to a healthy diet which is vital as we age."

bowl of oatmeal with berries and almonds

20. Oats/Porridge

Whole grains have been known to provide your body with essential nutrients for weight loss, but they can also work to benefit your appearance as well. Having a big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast each morning can bolster not only your energy levels, but also your complexion, fighting against signs of aging from the inside.

Laver explains further: "Oats/porridge make for a great breakfast option and are high carbohydrates which is the bodies preferred fuel source. Oats also contain a good amount of fiber which is typically lacking in our everyday diet. The recommended daily intake of fiber set at ~30 grams per day is often not met by the general population. Fiber is fantastic for digestion and keeping us regular which is something that the aging population often struggles with."


Senior Celebrity Writer

Maria has spent the last decade writing about entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle for online and print publications all around the globe – including InStyle, OK!, and The Mirror. At SheFinds, Maria covers breaking celebrity news, red carpet looks, celebrity transformations, A-list couples, and has a watchful eye on celebrity social media accounts. You can reach her at [email protected]

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