Tech Experts Reveal 3 ‘Dangerous’ Charging Mistakes—And Share The Right Way To Charge Your iPhone

May 7, 2024 by Lisa Cupido


There is a right and a wrong way to charge your iPhone — even if it seems like a pretty fool-proof task. In fact, if you’re neglecting good charging habits, you may not notice any effect at first, but over time, you could start to experience signs of battery degradation. Your battery may lose power faster and take longer to charge. Your device could run slower and less efficiently.

And the most frustrating part of all? Many of your troubles could have been avoided with proper charging etiquette.

So let’s get to the bottom of some common mistakes you could be making that could even be dangerous in some cases. Tech experts have simple solutions for some common iPhone charging mistakes.

Mistake: Using Damaged Charging Accessories

Whether it’s a charging cable that has begun to fray (and you keep using it anyway) or a USB adapter with bent prongs, sleeping on damaged charging accessories is a bad idea for two reasons. The first: it could be downright danger and an electrical fire hazard. And the second: damaged goods deliver a less effective charge to your phone.

Solution: Replace Worn Accessories

You don’t have to spend a fortune to ensure you’re using safe, effective accessories. You don’t even have to buy directly from Apple if you don’t want to. But it is important to check that any charging cable or accessory is Apple-certified and designed to deliver the right charge to your phone.

Mistake: Never Cleaning Your Charging Port

A dusty, dirty phone charging port blocks the connection between your phone and your charging cable. And when this happens, your phone can’t receive the charge that it needs to in order to run efficiently.

Solution: Use a Toothpick

Cleaning your charging port takes just a few seconds and simple tools. You can use a wooden toothpick to gently remove dust and lint from your phone’s port or spray compressed air into the port to get rid of debris.

Mistake: Your Phone’s Software Isn’t Up To Date

When your phone’s software isn’t updated, your device’s charging capabilities can suffer. Not to mention a phone with outdated software also puts you at risk for viruses.

Solution: Always Keep Your Software Updated

You can turn on Automatic Updates on your phone and set your device to alert you to when a software update is needed. To do this, go to Settings > General > Software Update > Automatic Updates.

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