3 Foods That Will Completely Dehydrate Your Skin, According To Doctors
February 21, 2022 by Marissa Matozzo
If you’re experiencing super dry skin (like finding yourself packing on moisturizer and picking off flakes from your face) and you’re wondering what might be the cause— look no further.
While many of us have naturally dry skin, (and skin that dries more as we age), one reason why our faces can feel so coarse is due to not hydrating enough! Water is crucial for every function your body has, and glowing, healthy and radiant skin is impossible without it.Another way to hydrate your skin this winter (apart from drinking ample amounts of water and moisturizing daily) is making sure that your diet is balanced and nutrient-rich.
After revising expert advice from dermatologist Paula Morgan, M.D., PhD, FRCPC, FAAD and other skincare aficionados, we also spoke with expert Dr. Simran Sethi, M.D., to learn more about 3 common food types.
Read on for her explanations as to why these foods can exacerbate dry skin, and why it’s best to avoid them if you’re currently experiencing any pesky and irritating flakes on your face.