3 Pre-Installed Apps You Should Delete From Your iPhone Because They’re Eating Up Storage
January 26, 2024 by Lisa Cupido
When you receive your new iPhone, you may begin to download app after app in excitement, eager to try out the apps that seem interesting and convenient. You may also quickly discover how much storage space these apps can eat up, and how you may be forced over time to either delete some of these apps or find ways to free up more storage space (like deleting videos and large files). When all else fails, you can purchase more storage space, though spending even more money after an expensive smartphone purchase is probably not at the top of your list of priorities.
Pre-installed apps don’t take up a ton of storage space. The truth is: if you check your settings at the apps that are eating away at storage, social media apps like Facebook and streaming apps like Netflix will likely be at the top of the list, with pre-installed apps somewhere near the bottom. But if your goal is to clean house on your phone and only stick with apps you actually use, there are a few pre-installed apps you can delete to conserve storage space (because every little bit helps, doesn’t it?). Here are three pre-installed apps to consider deleting.