3 Sugary Snacks That Practically Guarantee Wrinkles, According To Derms

August 23, 2023 by Lisa Cupido


If you’re the type of foodie who lives for something sweet every day, there’s no need to think you have to revamp your entire diet for the sake of better skin. While it’s true that a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, with less sugar, is one key way to improve your skin’s texture, making tweaks here and there may be all that’s need to make headway when it comes to your skin goals. 

Case in point: you may live for that sliver of chocolate at the end of the day. Don’t deny yourself life’s simple pleasures. But you may decide that a midnight sweet snack can be kept, while some other sweet treats can be swapped for things like nuts, veggies, or protein-packed Greek yogurt. Mirthe Eckl, functional medicine practitioner at Mirthe Precision Health, clues us in on three sugary snacks that practically guarantee wrinkles. Avoid these when making choices — your skin will thank you. 

What Impact Does Sugar Have On Your Skin? 

Research shows that when blood sugar is elevated, it causes something called 'glycation,’ Eckl explains, adding that most of our body is made up of protein (including collagen) and fats, and when sugar attaches itself to them, they form 'advanced glycation end products' - short 'AGEs', which basically make us 'age' and 'rust' from the inside out. “One can think of it much like the browning of a burger patty put on a grill,” Eckl says. “The same thing happens to our cells and collagen when exposed to sugar.” 

Furthermore, he says, high levels of glucose and fructose (the sugar found in fruit) make collagen and elastin (both types of protein in the body that are needed for support, structure but also suppleness of skin and joints) stick to each other via cross-linking.

Why is collagen important?

There’s a major reason why there’s so much focus on sugar breaking down collagen: it’s one very important component for younger-looking, healthier skin. “Collagen is one of the body's main types of protein, found in all connective tissue such as skin, joints, but also lining organs and more,” Eckl says. “It serves important roles in providing sturdiness to our body, but also in combination with elastin to keep things flexible, supple and 'young’.”

Which Sugary Snacks Should You Avoid? 

Fruit Juice 

It’s tempting to want to hydrate with fruit juice — it satisfies an initial craving for something sweet and cold. But sugary beverages, including fruit juices, pack in very high amounts of sugars, and without the fiber of the pulp to slow down its absorption, are set to spike our blood sugar, Eckl reminds us. 

“And while the nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, help combat aging and collagen breakdown, the better choice would be to eat the whole fruit, and alternate with vegetables that often pack in just as many nutrients, but without the sugar hit,” Eckl says. 

Sweetened Oatmeal 

Including more fiber-rich oatmeal or porridge in your diet is a great way to improve your health outcomes. But if you find the taste of oatmeal a little blah, you may be tempted to sweeten it with honey or straight-up sugar — and this is where things can take a turn for the not-so-great-for-your-collagen. Another thing to keep in mind: too many oats can actually boost your sugar levels (it’s all about balance). 

“Despite the great health benefits of each of these ingredients if consumed in small amounts as part of a balanced diet, if eaten on its own, the sugar present will contribute to blood sugar spikes and collagen breakdown,” Eckl says. “Better would be to shift the proportion of your favorite breakfast to including somewhat less oats in favor of nuts and seeds, some full fat Greek yoghurt and lower sugar fruit choices such as berries."

White Bread 

Few snacks are as quick, convenient, or satisfying as crispy toast with butter (or Nutella, if you’re feeling like you need even more of a sugary kick). But Eckl also mentions the downside of snacking on carbs like white bread – it has a high glycemic index that can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. 

If you are craving grains, try and switch to whole grains breads like pita or experimenting with crispy crudite to see if they satisfy your urge.

A little sugar now and then keeps life sweet. But if your goal is to maintain youthful-looking skin, it helps to minimize your sugar intake and add more whole foods and fruits and veggies to your plate. 


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