4 Default Settings You Didn’t Know You Could Change For A Faster Phone
June 17, 2024 by Lisa Cupido
If your iPhone is acting slow and inefficient, some of the common reasons behind the sluggish behavior But can include low storage, a poor network connection, and outdated apps and software that need to be updated. Some of these changes require a little time on your part. You may need to figure out which media you can part ways with and begin deleting files to clear up storage, or you may want to update all of your apps and unload or delete the apps you don’t use.
You can also rely on quick fixes to get you through before you make more fundamental changes to your phone — and this is where we turn our attention to four default settings. Unbeknownst to you, these setting could be enabled on your phone and they may be taking up a significant amount of battery power. The more your battery is taxed, the slower your phone may operate. Change these four settings to get your phone up to speed.