
4 Morning Stretches Trainers Swear By To Tighten Your Ab Muscles

February 1, 2023 by Georgia Dodd
shefinds | Fitness

As you age, your body goes through so many changes. You may notice differences in your skin and hair volume (check out these doctor-approved solutions for hair thinning!), energy levels, and even fat levels. This can be extremely frustrating, as a loss in muscle tone can negatively impact your flexibility and strength. This is why it’s important to proactively add regular stretching into your fitness routine. Consistently stretching can help keep your muscles keeps flexible and strong.

We checked in with Samantha Ward, a Fitness Assistant and Trainer at EURASC, and Aida Yahaya, founder of Good Stretch, a flexibility studio in the U.K, about morning stretches to tighten ab muscles. “Morning stretches are a great way to start the day and can help to tighten your abdominal muscles,” Ward says. “There are a number of different stretches you can do, and each one works in a different way.” Ward and Yahaya shared some stretches you should avoid and stretches you can do at the start of your day to improve your abdominal muscles.

Stretches to avoid

While there are stretches you can do every morning to strengthen your ab muscles, there are also stretches that just aren’t worth your time. “Exercises that are not recommended to tighten your core include crunches, sit-ups, and leg lifts. These exercises focus on the rectus abdominis and can actually lead to an increase in lower back pain and shoulder dysfunction,” Yahaya warns. “Instead, focus on engaging your lats, glutes, and hip flexors with exercises like planks, side planks, mountain climbers, and hip thrusts. These exercises focus on activating the deeper muscles of the core, which will help you develop more stability, strength, and endurance, while also protecting your lower back and shoulders.” She says that stretches like crunches, sit-ups, and leg lifts actually do more harm than good for your body.

Side plank

The first stretch that both Ward and Yahaya highly recommend to tighten your ab muscles is a side plank. “This stretch requires you to prop your body up on one elbow while lifting the opposite side of your body off the ground into a straight line. This stretch helps tone and tighten your obliques,” Yahaya says.

“To do this, lie on your side on the floor and place your hand on the floor in front of you. Stack your feet on top of each other and lift your torso and hips off the floor, supporting your weight on your forearm. Hold for a few seconds and then switch sides,” Ward explains.

Yahaya also recommends a regular plank. “This stretch works by engaging your core muscles to hold your body in a straight line while you balance on your toes and forearms,” she says. “Start on your hands and knees, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Then, straighten your body so that your arms and legs are in a straight line (like a plank of wood). Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds.” For both the side plank and the regular plank, you’ll want to make sure you’re targeting your muscles when you stretch. If you put too much pressure on just your tendons you really aren’t benefiting your muscles at all.


The next morning stretch to work your ab muscles is the Superman Stretch, aptly named after the flying, caped DC superhero. “The Superman Stretch is an excellent exercise for strengthening and stabilizing the abdominal and back muscles. It is a great move for increasing core strength and stability, as well as improving posture and balance,” Yahaya says.

To perform the Superman Stretch, she explains that you have to “begin by lying on your stomach with your arms stretched forward. Then, lift your hands, feet, and chest off the ground, as if you are ‘flying’. The aim is to hold this position for 10-30 seconds before lowering your body back to the starting position.” This stretch is also ideal for reducing love handles.

Yahaya notes that you should, “Repeat the Superman Stretch 10-15 times for a great abdominal and back workout. Be sure to keep your back straight throughout the exercise and maintain your breathing. This exercise is also a great way to stretch the muscles in your chest, arms, and back.” Although you may not become a superhero right away by doing this stretch, you’ll definitely notice a super strong core after adding this exercise to your workout routine.


The hundred is a classic Pilates stretch exercise that is performed at the beginning of almost any Pilates class you take. Joseph Pilates, the inventor of pilates, introduced this stretch as the first matwork exercise in his book, Return to Life Through Contrology. The Hundred stretch is named after the 100 beats your arms make while holding your head, shoulders, and legs off the mat.

Ward explains, “To do this, lie on your back on the floor and place your hands behind your head. Bring your knees in towards your chest and crunch up, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down. Lift your legs a few inches off the floor and pump your arms up and down for 100 repetitions.” This stretch is a dynamic warm-up for both the abdominal muscles and the lungs. Hundreds require you to coordinate your movements with your breathing. And, this stretch is easy to modify if you have back or neck pains. So, you can tailor this move to your own intensity levels.


And, the last morning stretch you can do to strengthen your core is the bicycle stretch. “This stretch requires you to lie flat on your back and move your legs in a [pedaling] motion while keeping your back and shoulder blades on the ground. This helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and obliques,” Yahaya says. This exercise works various muscles in your body, not just your abdominal muscles.

Bottom line

Overall, the best morning workout routine for you will depend on your specific fitness goals and needs. It’s always important to talk to your healthcare provider before diving into a new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. But if you’re just looking to tone things up and shed some extra pounds, these four exercises are a great place to start! Just remember what Yahaya says about these stretches, “All of these stretches require you to hold the position for a few seconds before releasing and repeating,” she points out. “Doing these stretches regularly will help to increase abdominal strength and stability.”


Editorial Assistant

Georgia Dodd is a New York-based editorial assistant at SheFinds Media. When she's not covering the latest in wellness, beauty, fashion, and celebrity news for SheFinds, she spends her time reading sci-fi books, trying new foods, and listening to a true crime podcast. You can reach Georgia at

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