When taken correctly and thoughtfully, supplements can serve as a bridge that links you from one part in your journey to better health to a better place in that same journey. The trick is understanding marketing speak is everywhere with supplements and that, just because a brand says it can do a certain thing (like grow hair or make your skin glow) doesn’t mean it can achieve that goal.
If you’re interested in starting a supplement routine, one of the best things you can do is first visit your doctor, get a full physical and blood work, and figure out if you have any vitamin or mineral deficiencies that need to be addressed. From there, finding supplements that can address specific health concerns, including those related to aging, is a better plan than spending $35 or more on a random gummy supplement that may or may not make a difference.
In this video, Dr. Janine selects five supplements that she recommends for women — and that can help with age-related issues.
Magnesium Bisglycinate
According to Dr. Janine, this is an important amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter in our bodies and is an anti-aging nutrient that is good for skincare barrier function. When you’re shopping for one, she recommends reading labels and avoiding those that contain fillers and magnesium stearate, which has never been tested to be safe for long-term human consumption.
If you want to try a collagen supplement, Dr. Janine recommends hydrolyzed collagen because it’s easier on the stomach. Collagen from grass-fed cows can also come in form like a powder that contains protein, as well, so you can get two benefits in one product. You can add these collagen powders to water or even yogurt or coffee.
Fish Oil
Dr. Janine recommends fish oil that is high in DHA (an important fatty acid that’s especially important for your eyes). Fish oil can help improve your skin, hair, blood pressure, and even menstrual pain.
Vitamin K2
You’ll often hear about the importance of vitamins like C and E for skin health, but here’s one vitamin that flies under the radar: vitamin K2. This vitamin helps direct calcium to the bones to prevent osteoporosis, plus it’s great for your skin. This can be a tricky vitamin to get from your diet. You’ll find it in foods like beef, egg yolks, pork, sauerkraut, and organ meats. But if you feel this might be one you aren’t getting enough of, talk to your doctor about starting a supplement.
Eye and Vision Supplement
According to Dr. Janine, an eye and vision-supporting supplement that contains lutein and zeaxanthin is so important, especially given the amount of tech we are using and how that contributes to eye strain. Make sure they’re derived from natural sources like plants.
Focusing on your health goals (not just anti-aging goals) when you shop for supplements can actually address root needs that your body has that can lead to all of those beauty outcomes you’re looking for — from clear skin to healthier hair.