Here Are 7 Changes Coming To Walmart In 2024: Digital Orders, Buy-Now-Pay-Later, And More

February 7, 2024 by Julia DeKorte


This story has been updated since it was originally posted to include info on company raises

Walmart is making a few big changes in 2024, and it’s always better to be prepared and in the know of what’s happening at your grocery store before you shop. Keep reading to find out what changes Walmart will be introducing this year.

1. Walmart Is Getting Rid Of Self Checkout (At Some Locations)

While this is only happening at select locations, the box store is getting rid of the self-checkout option for some of its stores. Citing fears of theft, select stores across the country are reporting the removal of self-checkout lanes, and customers are not happy. Other customers are angry with the addition of cashiers standing at the exit doors checking receipts.

"You can either trust me to do self-checkout or you can put your cashiers back in place like it used to be," said one user on Facebook. "I'm not interested in proving that I did your job for you anymore."

2. Buy-Now-Pay-Later

Many Walmart locations across the U.S. are now offering buy-now-pay-later options at the self-checkout lanes, according to a Dec. 19th press release. Customers can now divide payments over 3-24 months for transactions of at least $144. However, this doesn't include groceries, and customers must be approved for the plan in advance.

There's no late fees or service fees involved with this option, but they will charge customers interest, but that will be noted on the screen as customers are checking out.

3. Free Samples

Good news alert! Walmart has been testing free samples at stores all over the U.S. for months now, and things must be going well because they're adding the practice to over 1,000 additional stores by the end of January.

And it's a win-win, according to a 2023 press release from Walmart: "For suppliers, these demos create a massive opportunity to drive discovery and conversion, such as when launching a new product or driving an always-on presence for core products."

"For customers," it continued, "this creates an experience to look forward to, and some have already shared that these demo weekends feel like customer appreciation events."

4. Adding Parcel Stations To Delivery Hubs

In a November announcement, Walmart's senior vice president of transportation, Jennifer McKeehan, said they would be adding parcel stations to some of its 4,000 stores that double as deliver hubs. "Parcel stations help us move goods even faster to a customer's home by using our Private Fleet to transport more online orders," she said.

"In many ways you can think of a parcel station like a mini post office that receives and delivers packages," she continued. "For customers, parcel stations give them more time to place online orders on a greater assortment of merchandise for Next Day Delivery." She also added that adding more parcel stations lowers the cost of delivery—extra good news!

5. More Digital Orders

Now, instead of only fulfilling orders in distribution centers, Walmart will also fulfill online orders in stores. This change is being implemented with hopes of lowering delivery costs and increasing online profits—helping them to compete with online retail giants like Amazon.

"The most expensive part of delivery is the last mile," Walmart CFO John David Rainey shared in a conference in December. "That's where our physical footprint of 4,700 stores in the United States that are within ten miles of 90% of Americans gives us an enormous advantage."

6. Wage Raises

A few weeks ago, Walmart announced that they'll be giving managers a raise. In fact, the average pay is set to rise to $128,000 per year. Not bad!

Managers can expect about a 9% raise, CNN reports. This means the pay range will change from $65,000-$170,000 to $90,000-$170,000. Changes are also coming to the bonus program; Walmart said that "If you hit all targets, your bonus could now be up to 200% of your base salary."

While this is great news for managers, customers should also be glad to know that their favorite Walmart manager may be a bit more chipper in the coming year.

Seems like good news all around, except perhaps the disappearing of self-check out lanes. Stay up to date on future Walmart changes on SheFinds.com.

7. AI And AR Advancements

Technology is advancing at a rapid rate, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on track to transform all sorts of daily endeavors—including how we shop. Walmart has big plans to use AI and Augmented Reality (AR) to transform customer experiences. For starters, the retailer just launched a new GenAI search tool, which can tailor shopping lists to your personal needs and preferences. They're also developing a tool called InHome Replenishment, which will help InHome delivery subscribers build shopping lists based on things like commonly ordered items. Meanwhile, their AR features are expanding. Their new Shop With Friends feature allows customers to shop for apparel right alongside friends—right at home. And Walmart employees have a new AI tool, as well: My Assistant allows them to book conference rooms, manage benefits, and attend training programs all on one platform.

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