5 Foods You Shouldn’t Be Eating After 10 AM For Weight Loss, According To Nutritionists

February 20, 2018 by Alonna Travin


This advice isn’t about cutting out certain foods. We actually want you to eat everything mentioned in this story. But we want you to eat them before 10 a.m. – as in breakfast time. Ten is when you’re refueling with a healthy snack, not when you should be scarfing down a meal. “Consuming a breakfast with protein, healthy fat and quality carbs will keep you satiated and energized,” says Andrea Wise, a Chicago-based trainer and nutrition coach. “That makes it less likely that you will crash or have ravenous cravings later on.” Eating healthy foods at a prime time allows you to make the most out of the nutrients. So eat these foods…early!

Steel Cut Oatmeal

Fiber is a major player when it comes to staying slim. It aids in keeping insulin levels low which in turn may help shrink fat cells. Dr. Charles Passler, the nutritionist behind the detox program Pure Change, says you should be choosing steel-cut oatmeal as your morning fiber of choice. For one, it’s chewy and takes longer to eat than other low-fiber foods. That means you eat it slowly enough to notice when your body feels full. The result: no mindless overeating. Dr. Passler also says that fiber absorbs moisture, which can help you feel full longer because it occupies more room in your stomach and takes longer to digest. “Choosing steel-cut oats over instant gives you a better shot at controlling your appetite,” he says, “and drinking plenty of water helps the fiber in the oats fill you up.”

Green Tea

“Including a cup of green tea in the morning with your breakfast and not on an empty stomach can possibly help with weight loss,” says Dr. Jennifer Stagg, a naturopathic physician. A clinical study of more than 100 women with excess belly fat who drank green tea for 12 weeks had significant reductions in waist circumference and their BMIs without any adverse effects, reports Stagg. More research needs to be completed but experts believe the tea has a positive effect on hormones related to fat metabolism. So why do you need to have hot green tea in the a.m.? “It appears green tea should be consumed during the light phase – the morning - of our 24 hour circadian rhythm because that timeframe greatly impacts fat metabolism,” says Dr. Stagg.


Invite some bacteria to the breakfast table and you could boost weight loss. It sounds gross but we’re talking friendly bacteria that you need to keep your gut in optimal working condition. These microorganisms are found in probiotic foods and have funky names like lactobacillus acidophilus. Research has linked them to weight loss says Kara Landau, a gut health expert at Travelling Dietician, in New York City. One of the best ways to get your dose of probiotics is with a delicious and tart milk-based drink that’s incredibly versatile. Kefir! It’s thicker than milk but thinner than yogurt and has been associated with a lower body mass index, less body fat and smaller waist circumference.


Avocado is a versatile, satisfying and anti-inflammatory fruit. “The healthy fats in avocado decrease your appetite and supply your body with a healthy balance of minerals,” Dr. Marizelle Arce, a naturopathic physician. Avocados have fiber and monounsaturated fat to keep the belly feeling full, aid digestion and increase the absorption of nutrients. They’ve also been linked with blood sugar and weight control. A 2013 study was way ahead of the avocado toast trend. Researchers found that people who ate avocados on the regular had smaller waistlines than those who didn’t. We’re sold. If eating something we already adore can help us slim down, it’s a win-win situation.

Tart Cherries

Fresh fruit is filled with fiber and antioxidants. But tart cherries stand out because they’ve been deemed to have the "highest anti-inflammatory content of any food" by a recent study. That’s a major endorsement. The key is in the compounds that give tart cherries their red color. Drinking tart cherry juice is an option but you won’ get any of the whole fruit fiber. Try incorporating fresh cherries you’re your breakfast by sprinkling them on yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies or enjoying a handful. [Photos: Shutterstock]

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