Skipping Breakfast
Remember to always eat breakfast! Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more successful at losing weight - and maintaining their weight loss - than those who skip it. “Breakfast sets the tone for the day so it's important to start your metabolism on the right foot by eating within a few hours of waking up,” says Lauren Chiarello, a barre and Pilates instructor in New York City. This is one of her go-to-breakfasts that we heart big time: overnight oats made with- ½ cup almond milk, ½ cup of rolled oats, ¾ teaspoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. It literally takes 5 minutes to prep. She tops it with bananas and blueberries in the a.m.
Forgetting To Food Journal
“The simple act of writing down or recording what you eat can make a huge difference in the quality and amount of food you take in on a daily basis,” says Brian Bott, a trainer and nutrition coach at Aspire Fitness in New Jersey. And be super honest. Don’t think of this log as a way to feel bad about nutrition mistakes. It’s just a tool to keep you accountable and discover if there’s a pattern in your eating successes and not-so-great-days. “You might notice that you skip breakfast every Thursday and that leads to overeating the rest of the day,” he says. “So for next week you can plan on making a quick shake for breakfast to help you right the ship.”
Not Planning Ahead
How many times have you woken up and decided to go for a run before work rather than hit the snooze button? It’s really difficult to motivate in the morning when you haven’t set your mind on it the night before. “Plan your workouts ahead of time and be prepared,” says iFit coach trainer Megan Ostler. “Some days life gets in the way so keep in mind that a short workout is better than none.” Ostler says your goal should be to build and plan a sustainable exercise program. And know what you will keep you going, whether you’re a person who likes to mix things up with interval training or you prefer to dedicate yourself to only outdoor workouts. When you have a routine that keeps you interested and challenged, it’s much easier to wake up and get to it.
Being A SlouchWhile you’re waiting for the results of these healthy changes there’s something you can do ASAP to whittle your middle. Just stand up straight. Seriously. You probably don’t even realize how much you slouch when sitting, standing or walking. Standing up straight helps to keep your core muscles, including your abdominal muscles, engaged and gives your midsection a flatter appearance. Good posture can also boost your mood and allows you to use your muscles more efficiently. Get your shoulders out of your ears, lift your chest, engage your abs and be upright!
Using Big Plates
We’re always looking for a reason to buy new kitchen goodies. And getting a flatter belly is a spectacular excuse! “Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions,” says David Baillie, a Connecticut-based personal trainer and owner of Front-Line Fitness. “It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain it's full.” Meanwhile you’ve devoured everything on your dinner-sized plate in 10 minutes. Baillie says that by using smaller plates and bowls, you can learn to eat mindfully and may gradually get used to eating smaller, yet filling portions.
[Photos: Shutterstock]