Carbs can and should be your friends. In fact, you need them to as part of your 2018 campaign to shed belly fat. Slow or good carbs are the ones that take longer to digest. This keeps your energy steady rather than lead to the crash and burn (and eventual weight gain) of empty carbs. Add these carbs into your healthy diet. Your gut will thank you.
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How do you prep protein bowls? Maybe brown rice. But you should make the switch to quinoa. “It contains all nine essential amino acids which makes it a complete protein – and you won't find those stats in carb competitors,” says Andrea Wise, a Chicago-based nutrition coach. We love it because it’s versatile, easy to cook and has fiber.
Oatmeal If you need to kick the bad habit of bread, cereal and other refined carbs for breakfast, oatmeal is here to take their place. Not only does it have protein, but also Wise says the soluble fiber keeps you feeling full for longer (maybe even full enough to nix a mid-morning snack).
This tiny legume is a carb but also a great source of plant-based protein and fiber. “It won't elevate your blood sugar so you'll have sustained energy without the spike and crash,” says Wise. Don’t just think of them as a side dish. We like to serve salmon on a bed of lentils and add them to burgers and meatballs.
Sweet Potatoes Confession: It’s been years since we’ve had French fries. The sweet potato has replaced every white potato food in our lives. “These slow carbs are versatile, naturally sweet and our bodies digest them slowly,” says Wise. Slice them into thick wedges and season with sea salt, oregano and olive oil. Bake them for a sweet and savory side.
Bananas Try a banana! We think it’s the world’s most perfect food (partially because it comes in its own wrapper). When you have one in the morning it can prevent bloating and even combat water retention throughout the day. People with salt-heavy eating habits can get puffy quick. The banana’s secret is in the potassium which helps drive excess sodium out of the body.
Black Beans There’s a lot of fat-fighting power in the humble black bean. They have protein and fiber plus B vitamins that could accelerate weight loss and prevent fat from settling in your middle. We love black beans in burritos and enchiladas but they have a happy place outside of Mexican foods. Sprinkle them over roasted veggies, put them on top of pizza and mix them into salads.
"One of the best foods to help you maintain a healthy weight is broccoli,” says Cara Walsh, a dietician at Medifast Weight Control Centers of California. Why? It’s high in vitamin K, which can help regulate your body's response to inflammation. If you’re still into kale chips, enjoy. But we’ve moved on to broccoli. Place small pieces onto a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and add a sprinkling of salt (maybe a little garlic powder, too). Bake them until crispy.
Blueberries Blueberries are extraordinarily high in polyphenols, micronutrients that combat cellular stress by slowing down and blocking the inflammatory response in your body. Add them into yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies and salads. Or just have a handful for snack.