
The One Drink You Should Have After Lunch For Weight Loss

June 27, 2017 by Blair Donovan
shefinds | Food

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You're feelin' full and satisfied after your lunch break, but you know the inevitable afternoon post-lunch slump could hit at any moment. Should you turn to another cup of coffee, or look elsewhere for some instant liquid energy that can help promote weight loss?


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best after lunch drink

Turn to good old H20! According to Mayo Clinic, drinking water during and after a meal can help with digestion. It breaks down your food so you can get all those much-needed nutrients, but wait at least an hour after lunch to get the full effect. Your afternoon cup of coffee or Diet Coke can't boast the same. 

best after lunch drink

Everyone knows that water can help aid weight loss, but this information should help seal the deal: a study published on The American Journal of Clincal Nutrition found that participants lost an average of 2% of weight over 6 months when they replaced high-calorie drinks with water or diet drinks. The proof is in the water, so invest in a cute water bottle and start chugging.

best after lunch drink

Drinking water before lunch can also prevent you from packing on unwanted pounds. A staff writer for Eat Clean drank two glasses of water before each meal for two weeks and lost 1.5 pounds—all from just drinking water. Drinking water before a meal can make you feel more full, so you end up eating less. 

best after lunch drink

Loading up on water may increase your daily bathroom trips, but it can aid your weight loss goals, no matter what time of day you guzzle it. When you're dehydrated, your metabolism slows down and your body doesn't burn fat as easily, according to Live Strong. Stay hydrated, my friends, and resist the urge to turn to soda after lunch.


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