Your Jaw Will Drop When You Hear This Bombshell About Alex Rodriguez That Was Just Released–J.Lo Must Be FURIOUS!

January 24, 2021 by Hannah Kerns


Some serious accusations about Alex Rodriguez are coming out from an unlikely source: his ex-wife’s brother, Constantine Scurtis. The former Yankee star is being sued for $50 million. The lawsuit accuses the baseball legend of racketeering, It reads, “Through their racketeering. Rodriguez and his co-conspirators have caused Scurtis many millions of dollars in damages.”

Keep reading for more details.

According to DailyMail, Scurtis' lawyers write: "After cheating on his wife, Cynthia, and lying about his affairs, Alex Rodriguez then lied to and cheated his brother in law in their real estate partnership."

The accusations against Rodriguez include: "breaches of fiduciary duty, breaches of contract, and illegal and fraudulent pattern of criminal activity."

The lawsuit also makes plenty of references to A-Rod's questionable past.

"Defendant Alex Rodriguez, a former Yankees baseball player, is a serial cheater and liar," the lawsuit reads. Ouch!

According to CBS Sports, this is not the first time Scurtis has filed suit against Rodriguez.

"[Scurtis'] first suit dates back to a decade ago, with a string of failed suits following thereafter," the article explains.

However, making a reference to Rodriguez's infidelity was a change of pace for these suits, and we're sure that Jennifer Lopez was not pleased with her soon-to-be husband being called a "serial liar and cheater."

A-Rod's lawyer has denied all claims and referred to the suit against the Yankee as a "shakedown Rodriguez for money which Scurtis is not entitled to and to escape repayment of substantial monies owed which is the subject of a countersuit against him."

His attorney told DailyMail, "To be clear, we view Scurtis' claims as baseless and absolutely dispute liability for all claims asserted."

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