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Aside from cardio and crunches one way to get the belly of your dreams is to eat. “Anti-inflammatory foods can make a significant difference when trying to shed some pounds and belly fat,” says Dr. Luiza Petre, MD, director of the Medi-Weightloss Clinics. “These meals will keep you feeling full, stabilize blood sugar levels, give you lots of energy and whittle your waistline.” Get your morning started with a healthy serving of these belly-banishing breakfasts.
[Photos: Shutterstock]

Kale Omelet With Berries And Green Tea
Combine one whole egg with 2 eggs whites for a protein-filled omelet that will stabilize your blood sugar and give you selenium, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage caused by inflammation. Fill it with kale and mushrooms. Blueberries are a potassium and vitamin C powerhouse plus a naturally sweet snack on the side. Then sit back and sip on a cup of green tea. Dr. Petre says it’s a powerful antioxidant with lots anti-inflammatory properties.

Quinoa Porridge With Chia And Tart Cherries
“Research suggests that quinoa helps suppress the release of cytokines, which could be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of inflammation,” says Dr. Petre. We say: it’s not just for lunch and dinner! Cook up 2 cups and add unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, raw honey, walnuts chia seeds and tart cherries. Walnuts are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, as is chia. In addition, the seeds have protein and fiber. And don’t forget the cherries! Dr. Petre says they have the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.

Egg And Avocado Cauliflower Toast
Here’s another food you might not consider for breakfast: cauliflower. And here’s why you should eat it to start the day: “Cauliflower is anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, it’s packed with Vitamin C and K, and it aids in detoxification and healthy digestion,” says Dr. Petre. Toast a cauliflower pizza crust and top it with a nutritious and fiber-filled avocado, one poached egg, vitamin-K loaded spinach and red pepper flakes that naturally deliver capsaicin, an anti-inflammation compound. Finish the meal with a handful of grapes (either red or green). Grapes have resveratrol and flavonoids – both potent anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

Salmon With Gingered Pineapple And Scrambled Eggs
Every ingredient in this breakfast delivers bountiful anti-inflammatory protection. Sauté a salmon filet for omega-3 fatty acids. Cut a thick slice of fresh pineapple for its vitamin C, manganese and bromelain, an anti-inflammatory digestive enzyme. Now sprinkle the fruit with some fresh ginger to quell inflammation. Finally, top the salmon with scrambled eggs sprinkled with turmeric. “The active ingredient in this spice is curcumin, an anti-inflammatory found to be more powerful than ibuprofen and aspirin,” says Dr. Petre.