4 Anti-Inflammatory Vitamins Doctors Swear By To Get A Flatter Stomach Faster

March 14, 2018 by Alonna Travin


Most mornings you slip into the same routine: coffee, oatmeal, check email, brush teeth, dress and it’s off to work. But there’s a missing step that could be keeping you from having the flat stomach you really want. Sometimes belly bulge isn’t fat – it’s bloat – that could be settling in due to internal inflammation. When you eat processed foods, feel super stressed or just exhausted, your body reacts negatively. Taking certain anti-inflammatory vitamins in the morning can have a positive effect on reducing the dreaded belly swell. Try one of these tomorrow.

Carlson Labs Potassium ($16)


There is always room in our belly for sweets but sometimes a girl just needs to eat something salty. Even when you’re trying to avoid overdoing it on salt, it tends to sneak in. Check out the sodium content on your favorite packaged foods. “Sodium is a well-known body puffer because it increases water retention in the body,” says Dr. Lisa Davis, chief nutrition officer of Terra’s Kitchen. Avoid high-sodium foods like chips, soy sauce and canned soups, and then add potassium. Dr. Davis says the mineral is responsible for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body. It actually counterbalances sodium levels! Try a supplement as well as high-potassium foods such as sweet potatoes, bananas, leafy greens and mushrooms.

Nature's Bounty Chelated Zinc ($5)


Meet zinc. You might think of this vitamin as something you take to ward off a cold. But there’s more. If you want your thyroid (the gland in your neck that regulates metabolism) to function properly, zinc will be your new BFF. Having a balanced level of thyroid hormone greatly affects your weight and prevents inflammation. Studies have shown that optimal levels of zinc can help prevent weight gain.

Source Naturals Magnesium Chelate Elemental ($13)


Bloating is super common when you have PMS but Dr. Davis says taking magnesium could help bust bloat by decreasing water retention. A study of women with premenstrual swelling found that taking 200 mg of magnesium oxide daily for two cycles significantly reduced the PMS-related bloat. “Pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds are also a great way to add magnesium to your diet,” says Dr. Davis.

Sundown Naturals Calcium ($12)


Research suggests that people lacking in calcium tend to weight more than those with sufficient amounts. This is an easy fix. “Eating calcium-rich foods like yogurt, beans, almonds and dark leafy green vegetables or supplementing with calcium can also help with symptoms of bloat,” says Dr. Davis. A study reported a decrease in abdominal bloating for women with PMS that took the supplement for 2 months. Try a daily dose of 500 mg calcium carbonate.

[Photos: evitamins.com]

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