Nearly every answer to the question of which app is destroying your battery is exactly the same: Facebook.
This time around the answer is the same — but with one small twist. Any time you use Facebook you are consuming battery power. And since it’s possible to turn on Wi-Fi when you are using Airplane Mode, it’s just as possible that FB is taking up valuable phone resources. But the Facebook app isn’t the only app culprit.
Any app that streams video or makes it possible to save videos clips so that you can use them offline is a major battery drainer. If your goal is to save battery power and you are using Airplane Mode in an attempt to do so, the last thing you should do is run videos.
This isn’t the say that Airplane Mode isn’t extremely helpful. This mode disables wireless functions that include cellular connection, Wi-Fi (unless you manually enable it, which is possible in many cases), and Bluetooth.
Setting your device to Airplane Mode before you charge your phone can also help boost its charging speed.
To turn on Airplane Mode, simply go to Settings > Airplane Mode and toggle the slider on.
Whether or not you make frequent use of Airplane Mode to save battery, deleting the Facebook app will help you save battery power — big time.