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Did you dream of being a dancer when you were young but never thought you’d be able to? Barre may be the perfect workout for you! Barre is a full body workout designed from classic ballet moves and targets different muscle groups in the body to ensure a full body workout. It can also help promote higher energy and reduce bloating. “Through many reps and lower weight dumbbells you fatigue those muscles where you will feel that burn. You can also use resistance bands and a ball to add to your barre exercise.” Says Elizabeth Mooney, a producer, dancer, and founder of Country Fusion, a workout that fuses country music and dance.

So how exactly does barre benefit your body and yield results? “Barre strengthens and tones your muscles while creating a long lean body. While you are building your muscles through barre exercises you are also elongating your muscles through stretches and this is how you achieve that long lean dancer's body.” Mooney says. It’s for this reason that it’s so helpful with bloating. “Barre is great for your energy and bloating because the repetition in movements and exercises creates a burning effect which also revs up your metabolism. You are also stabilizing your core and in a pelvic tilt most of the class to engage your core.” This can help with strengthening and toning your lower stomach muscles, which builds a stronger core overall. A stronger core makes for better posture and a flatter stomach, all things that will reduce a bloated look. “Also, with the light weights, full body workout, repetition, muscle burn, sweat, this will help increase your energy.” Mooney shared 8 of her favorite workouts that can both flatten the tummy and boost your energy.
Standing in First Position in a Deep Plié
Tilt your pelvis up to the ceiling then back into neutral position. Repeat this for at least 25 pulses 3 sets. You will definitely feel the burn and engage those lower core muscles while feeling the burn in your quads.
Jumping from Second Position to First Position
This one will rev up your heart rate and energy to create that burn and get that sweat going. Do this exercise for at least 10 reps and 3 sets (similar to jumping jacks).
Basic Bicep Curls
While in second position in a deep plié, use the dumbbells to do bicep curls. Keep the core engaged and your pelvis tilted up to the ceiling. This will fire up your arms, work on your core, posture, and your legs. Do this exercise for 25 reps and 3 sets.

Second Position Deep Plié to Relevé
Squeezing your core glutes and legs while holding light dumbbells, you will slowly come down into a deep plié then rise to a straight leg and up on the balls of your feet. The weights will follow you with a slow and controlled motion. Come down working your triceps, rising working your biceps, then to the top of your head in a full extension working your shoulders. You will keep your arms tight to your body. This is a full arm workout where the core is engaged, glutes are engaged, legs are burning and you are working on your posture the whole time as well as your balance. Do this exercise for at least 10 reps, 3 sets.
Attitude Position
This works your glutes and posture. To do this, you should first of all keep your core engaged and have a nice strong and tall back. Right leg goes back in an attitude position, keeping your leg up with 25 small pulses and switching to the other leg for 3 sets each. Try doing this exercise in a relevé for added burn.
Squat Pulses
Turn into the barre, legs parallel underneath your shoulders, toes facing forward, and do squat pulses without your knees going over your toes. Do this exercise for 25 reps and 3 sets. For added benefit, squeeze a soft Pilates ball in between your thighs for that extra inner thigh and glute burn.
Second Position in a Deep Plié
With alternating heels and dumbbells in your hands, do alternating hammer curls with your heels. This will tone and strengthen your biceps, calves, glutes, and thighs while keeping your core engaged. Do 30 alternating curls and heels for 3 sets.
Tricep pulses with arabesque pulses
This will be a challenge for balance and coordination. Use light dumbbells for your triceps. Do 10 pulses, 3 sets for each leg.