The Best Foods That Are High In Vitamin D For Stronger Bones

March 17, 2023 by Faith Geiger


Are you getting enough vitamin D in your diet? According to Cleveland Clinic, 50% of people aren’t. If you’re under 70 years old, your recommended intake of this vitamin is 600 IU per day; over 70, you should be getting a whopping 800 IU, as your skin’s ability to synthesize vitamin D diminishes as you age.

But why, exactly, is it so important to consume ample amounts of vitamin D? According to registered dietitian Johna Burdeos, “Vitamin D plays a role in bone health by promoting the absorption of calcium. It also maintains optimal levels of calcium and phosphorus on theblood to support bone health.” If you want to reap these benefits, there are several vitamin D-rich foods you can add to your diet on a regular basis. Burdeos recommends fatty fish, egg yolk, and mushrooms. Learn more about the benefits of these foods below!


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1. Fatty fish

Fish is one of the best proteins out there for your overall health. This delicious, lean meat offers up a ton of nutrients like healthy fats. And as it turns out, Burdeos says it can also pack in the Vitamin D to keep your bones strong and healthy. "Salmon and trout for example offer 570 and 645 IU in a 3-ounce serving, respectively," she points out.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to work some tasty fish into your diet. Grill it and serve it with veggies, throw it into tacos, or add it to a salad. The possibilities are practically endless!

2. Egg yolks

Eggs are another incredible food that boasts an array of health benefits. They're satiating, protein-packed, and great for weight loss. On top of all that, they're a great source of Vitamin D, as well—as long as you eat the yolk! Burdeos tells us that one large egg yolk can pack in 37 IU of Vitamin D.

Whether you scramble eggs, add a fried one to your avocado toast, or cook up a tasty omelet, they're a great option for your overall health, especially when it comes to your bones.

3. Mushrooms

There's so much to love about mushrooms! This tasty veggie is versatile, great for your brain and gut, and—you guessed it—can even support healthy bones thanks to their Vitamin D content. "Certain types of mushrooms, such as white mushrooms, are good sources of vitamin D," Burdeos says. "Exposure to sunlight can increase the amount of vitamin D in mushrooms. A half-cup serving of white mushrooms offers 366 IU of vitamin D." Nice!

There are so many ways to enjoy this vegetable, from adding them to stir-fries and soups to topping your pizza with them. 

No matter how you enjoy these Vitamin D-rich foods, your bones will thank you when you work them into your daily diet.

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