
HIIT Exercises That Can Help You Tone Up Faster, Trainers Say

May 10, 2023 by Georgia Dodd
shefinds | Fitness

This story has been updated since it was originally posted on 4/23/2023 to include another workout

Looking to tone up this spring? Try switching up your exercise routine to slim down and tone up. Specifically, the HIIT workout is getting all the hype right now from personal trainers—and for good reason. Not only can you work up a sweat from the comfort of your home, but it’s an easy to pick up and efficient way to exercise.

To learn more about the best HIIT exercise that can help you get fit fast, we spoke with certified personal trainers Kim Perry and Mary Sabat. HIIT, Perry says, stands for High Intensity Interval Training. “This is when you are having moments of high intensity or [a] heart rate increase throughout the workout. Your heart rate will rise and fall a lot, simulating a cardio-type workout,” she adds.

Perry and Sabat say that the jump squat, push-up with an alternating glute kickback, reverse lunge to a press, and mountain climbers are the best HIIT exercises to tone up your body this summer because they work your stamina and strength combined. Read on to learn more!

1. Jump Squat

The first HIIT exercise that Perry recommends is a jump squat. Similar to a traditional squat, the jump squat, as the name implies, adds a jumping motion. “You’re going to stand slightly wider than your hips’ distance. You are going to lower sitting your butt back into a squat and then explode up pressing through your heels and jumping up into the air,” Perry explains. “Softly land or gently land back down on your knees to catch yourself as [you] land. Then you have the option to remove the jump and just explode up onto your toes.” This move combines strength and cardio. It works your legs, glutes, core, and back. There are plenty of ways to modify this exercise to your specific needs.

2. Push-Up With An Alternating Glute Kickback

Perry next recommends a push-up with glute kickbacks. For this HIIT exercise, she says, “You are going to be in a push-up position whether using a modified version so hands are elevated onto a bench or maybe you are down on your knees. Either way of the modified version is going to make the exercise more effective for you it’s not going to make it easier.”
“Come down into a push-up bracing your core and then on the way up you are just [going to] kick lifting a leg up behind you so you’re doing a little glute extension behind you,” she continues. “Then come back down to [a] push-up and do the other leg kick back so this is working multiple body parts and it’s a lot of core work.” This works the transverse abdominis and it will strengthen your core, glutes, and kickstart weight loss.

3. Reverse Lunge To A Press

And, Perry also says that a reverse lunge to a press is another great, fat-burning HIIT exercise. “You’re gonna start with two dumbbells on your shoulders holding them elbows close by. You’re going to extend one like back behind you for the reverse lunge and then you’re going to press and come up lifting that leg that went back,” she notes. “Lift that knee up as you press the weights from your shoulders to an overhead press and then you’re going lower back down into that same leg into the lunge. Come up onto that leg balancing, stabilizing.”  This HIIT exercise will get your heart rate up and tone up your core and your legs.

4. Mountain Climbers

When it comes to toning your abs, legs, and arms, Sabat says that mountain climbers is one of the best HIIT workouts to do regularly. “To perform mountain climbers, follow these steps,” she says. “Begin in a pushup position with your arms straight and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Drive one knee forward toward your chest. Return that leg to the starting position while simultaneously driving your other knee forward. Continue alternating legs as quickly as possible.” Then, repeat these steps for 20-30 seconds, resting for 10-15 seconds, and repeating them again. Sabat recommends doing this for 10-15 minutes.

Bottom Line

It goes without saying that exercise alone won’t guarantee a slimmer body. You have to combine calorie-burning fitness routines like HIIT exercises with a diet rich in metabolism-boosting nutrients and low in carbs.


Editorial Assistant

Georgia Dodd is a New York-based editorial assistant at SheFinds Media. When she's not covering the latest in wellness, beauty, fashion, and celebrity news for SheFinds, she spends her time reading sci-fi books, trying new foods, and listening to a true crime podcast. You can reach Georgia at [email protected].

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