Want To Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Expand Your Life? Add These 2 Simple Ingredients To Your Plate Every Day, Experts Say
January 26, 2024 by Faith Geiger
The importance of nurturing our bodies with the right foods cannot be overstated. The age-old adage “you are what you eat” especially resonates when you consider the intricate connection between our dietary habits and a healthier, longer life. As it turns out, the foods we eat on a daily basis impact everything from cardiovascular resilience to cognitive function. By understanding the relationship between our diet and our well-being, we can make informed that set the stage for a longer life that with vitality.
Maintaining a nutritious diet doesn’t just mean cutting out harmful foods (although that is an important step to take). Luckily, there are also tons of delicious foods that can also help you add years to your life by way of a healthier heart. We spoke to Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN a culinary nutritionist and author of the MIND Diet for Two, to shed light on the transformative power of specific foods that not only bolster heart health but also pave the way for a longer and more fulfilling life. She told us that nuts and fish are two great choices to add to your plate every day. Find all of her expert insight on the benefits of each below.