How you start your morning makes all the difference in how you feel throughout the day. Whether you’re meditating for a greater sense of calm, eating a nutritious breakfast for lasting energy, or taking a morning jog to get your blood moving, your morning routine can make or break your day—especially if you struggle with digestive issues and inflammation. Luckily, there are a few simple habits you can practice each morning in order to kick these problems to the curb.
To discover some of the best morning habits to fight bloating and inflammation, we spoke to health experts Onikepe Adegbola, MD, PhD, Dietitian Johanna Angman, Nutritionist Lisa Richards, creator of The Candida Diet, and Dietitian Jesse Feder of My Crohns and Colitis Team. Find all of their healthy tips below!

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Starting your day with a big glass of water can do wonders for practically every aspect of your health. This is especially true when it comes to fighting bloating and reducing inflammation. To make your water even more beneficial, Dr. Adegbola and Richards both suggest adding some lemon to the mix. "Lemon water contains nutrients that help to promote healthy digestion and reduce water retention," Richards explains. "This combination works together to reduce bloating and stimulate bowel movement." Dr. Adegbola agrees: "Drink a glass of warm water with lemon as soon as you wake up," she instructs. "This will help cleanse your system and get things moving." Noted!

2. Avoid sugar, dairy, and fried foods
In addition to ample hydration, nutrition is essential. It's important to be careful about what foods you're putting into your body if you struggle with bloating and inflammation. For starters, Feder warns against sugar. "Try not to have an overly large portion of fruits or use a lot of jelly/jam," he says. "This high amount of sugar can lead to bloating, water retention, inflammation and sluggishness." Next up, fried foods like breakfast potatoes and hash browns should also be avoided. "The oils used to cook them are high in pro-inflammatory fats that can leave you feeling bloated, gassy, and inflamed," he says. And finally, it's important to limit your dairy intake. "Dairy tends to have a lot of fat and/or sugar such as whole milk or cheese," Feder explains. "Too much of this can leave you feeling bloated and inflamed. Opt for dairy alternatives or limit the amount you
So, what should you eat? To avoid bloating, Adegbola suggests "a light breakfast that includes fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables." And if you want to keep inflammation at bay, choose anti-inflammatory ingredients and spices like turmeric, ginger, and omega-3 rich foods.

3. Get moving
Don't underestimate the power of morning movement! Daily exercise is vital to your overall health, especially if you want to avoid inflammation and digestive issues. "Doing exercises such as walking and yoga stretching is a good solution for bloating and relief from inflammation pains. Exercise puts pressure on the abdomen, which then improves digestion," Angman explains. Adegbola recommends "a short walk or some gentle stretching to get the blood flowing."
Of course, at the end of the day, the best way to fight chronic bloating and inflammation is to get down to the root of the issue by speaking with a doctor. However, incorporating these expert-approved healthy habits into your daily routine won't hurt—in fact, you may be surprised by how much a difference they can make in your overall health!