These Are The Best Thin “No-Show” Socks To Wear With Ankle Boots In The Fall & Winter

October 12, 2018 by Jeanine Edwards


I am a complete ankle boot addict. Every year, I buy new ones even though I don’t technically need them. I just love them so much.

If you’re all about ankle booties, too, chances are you’ve had the same dilemma I had a few weeks back when I wanted to start wearing my booties, but didn’t want to slide my bare foot into them. When it’s not quite cold enough for tights, what are the best socks to wear with ankle boots?

Gym socks are obviously too thick and would ruin the fit, while trouser socks would come up too high and show above the boot. I was seriously perplexed and spent more time than I care to admit trying to get good recommendations via Google. I didn’t find any good tips, so I finally just decided to click through the hosiery sections of tons of websites until I found options that might work. I ordered a bunch of things to try and after putting all my purchases to the test, landed on these:

Nordstrom 3-Pack Sheer Anklet ($14 for 3)

Nordstrom 3-Pack Sheer Anklet ($14 for 3)

They are GOLD! They’re nice and thin so your foot won’t feel sausaged into your ankle boot, but they provide just enough of a barrier so you don’t get blisters or have any discomfort when you’re wearing your booties.

Even better? They’re shockingly affordable! You get three pairs for just $14; that’s less than $5 per pair! I stocked up for the season and you should too if you plan on wearing ankle boots regularly. These are perfect when you want to wear booties with jeans, trousers and even skirts and dresses because they’re completely hidden underneath your boot.

If you want something a little more fun, these weren’t my fave, but they do have really good reviews at Nordstrom:

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