A whole food diet that errs on the side of plant based is the best method for weight loss without exercise. This is because it’s naturally more nutrient dense than a diet containing processed foods and meat. Registered dietitian Trista Best explains, “This [diet] removes large amounts of saturated fat and processed foods from the diet that can stall weight loss and in turn add on extra pounds. These foods are also inflammatory, which will lead to weight gain and difficulty losing. This method also leads to a general lifestyle change which is more sustainable than traditional fad diets.”
While exercise is widely included in weight loss plans, Best explains that it’s not actually needed to see visible results. “Weight loss can certainly be achieved without exercise, to a large degree. Exercise has significant benefits in mood and emotional support, but isn't vital to losing weight and maintaining it. In fact, research shows that working out alone will not suffice for weight loss long-term as the body reaches a plateau for weight loss through exercise where dietary changes must occur,” she says.
Therefore, if your aim is to lose weight without relying on exercise, it’s important to choose a diet which allows for flexibility and will be easy to stick to. Best recommends a plant based, whole foods diet instead of trendier eating plans such as the ketogenic diet because it’s more adaptable and is easier to maintain long term for weight loss. “The plant-based diet is sustainable, allows for off plan eating without derailing weight loss efforts, and leads to improved health overall rather than weight loss alone,” Best notes.
You may achieve an overall healthier lifestyle by incorporating both exercise and a good diet into your routine, but at the end of the day, working out is not actually needed to see visible weight loss results. As you grow older, if a medical condition bars you from working out, a whole food and plant based diet will allow you to create a maintainable calorie deficit without the need for physical activity. No matter what method you choose for weight loss, make sure it’s one which you can stick to so that your results are not short lived.