The Best Workouts For A Bigger Butt, According To A Fitness Model

May 1, 2017 by Jennifer Hussein

One thing almost every girl wants is a big butt. Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough to be naturally bootylicious. But, you can easily work that booty into shape with these awesome exercises recommended by fitness model Fawnia Mondey.

[Photo: Shopify]


Everyone knows that squats are the go-to exercise for a bigger butt. "Squats are an excellent and proven way of training your gluteus maximus," Mondey said. She reocmmends giving an extra kick to the average squat by using dumbbells or having a bar across your shoulders.


Lunges are another great way to sculpt your booty! "Singer Jessica Simpson was noted to have fallen in love with lunges as she sculpted her body to fit her daisy duke shorts in The Dukes of Hazzard," Mondey said. 


Deadlifts seem a little scary to do at first, but practice makes perfect! You definitely don't want to skip deadlifts if you want a perfect booty.

"Deadlifts are excellent for your hamstrings, butt and lower back, but form is critical," Mondey said. "Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart, and your weights in front of thighs. Keeping back flat and abs in, bend forward from the hips and lower your torso until your weights reach your shins."


Using a step master or climber in your workout routine will really help tone those butt muscles! "Stairmasters and climbers when used at a slower frequency with honest, normal steps will recruit your butt muscles into action," Mondey said. But, you have to use the step master the right way. 

Yes, there is a proper form to using them, and chances are you're probably doing them wrong. Mondey recommends not holding onto the step master and making sure you're taking full steps instead of being on your toes the whole time. 30 minutes of perfect form on this machine will help make your butt grow in no time!

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