Forearm Planks
Forearm planks, a staple in the realm of bodyweight exercises, offer a remarkable avenue for toning and strengthening various muscle groups. This isometric exercise primarily targets the core muscles, engaging the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques to stabilize the body in a plank position. Justice shares that this move can tone deltoids and abdominal wall, strengthens arms and legs, stretches shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and arches.
Justice breaks down how to perform this move: Start by lying face down with your legs extended straight behind you. Place your forearms on the ground, elbows directly under your shoulders, and hands facing forward. Push your toes into the ground and lift your body up so that you're in a straight line from your head to your heels. Engage your core and squeeze your glutes. Ensure your hips don't sag or pike too high. Keep your neck neutral and gaze very slightly ahead of you. Hold for as long as you can maintain good form.
The cobra pose, a fundamental element of yoga practice, provides an exceptional avenue for toning and strengthening the back and core muscles. As the body arches upwards while the chest and abdomen lift off the ground, the cobra pose engages the muscles along the spine, including the erector spinae. Justice reveals that this move improves posture, strengthens the spine, arms, and wrists, stretches chest, lungs, shoulders, abdomen, and buttocks, and stimulates abdominal organs.
To perform this move, Justice says to start from the cobra pose. Press through your hands, straightening your arms. Lift your thighs and legs off the ground by engaging your leg muscles. Shoulders should be over wrists, and only the tops of your feet and your hands should touch the floor. Look straight ahead or tilt your head very slightly back.
Half Moon Pose
The half moon pose, or Ardha Chandrasana, is a dynamic yoga posture that offers unique toning benefits. As practitioners extend one leg and arm away from the body while balancing on the other leg, a symphony of muscle groups engages to maintain stability and alignment. "Body toning benefits of this pose are that it strengthens lower and upper back, glutes, hamstrings, and obliques, and stretches groins, shoulders, chest, and spine," Justice states.
To perform this pose Justice says to start in a forward fold or from an extended triangle pose. Place your right hand on the ground about a foot in front of your right foot. Lift your left leg up to hip height, keeping it straight. Open your torso to the left, stacking your left hip on top of your right. Extend your left arm upwards, fingers pointing to the sky. Turn your gaze upwards towards your left hand, if balanced. Engage your core for stability. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then switch sides.