These 2 Unexpected Breads Are The Most Likely To Lead To Digestive Discomfort And Weight Gain–Plus, 3 To Eat Instead

June 22, 2024 by Mariam Qayum


Breads are a go-to for many meals, offering a quick and easy source of carbs. But not all breads are great for you. Some, especially those made with refined flours and lots of added sugars, can mess with your digestion and pack on the pounds. These kinds of bread usually lack important nutrients and fiber, causing blood sugar spikes and gut issues. Luckily, there are better options out there.

We spoke with Lisa Richards, dietitian and creator of The Candida Diet; Christine VanDoren, nutritionist and personal trainer; and registered dietitian Caitlin Carr, to learn about two types of bread to avoid for gut health and weight management and three types of bread to eat instead. They revealed that you should cut out white bread and sweetened breads and instead eat rye, whole wheat/whole grain, and sourdough bread.

Avoid: White Bread

White bread is made from refined flour, which has had the bran and germ removed during processing. This process strips away most of the fiber content. Fiber is essential for healthy digestion because it adds bulk to the stool and helps food move through the digestive tract. Without enough fiber, you might experience constipation and other digestive discomforts.

Consuming breads low in nutrients can lead to a poor diet overall, causing you to feel less satisfied and more likely to overeat. This lack of satiety can contribute to weight gain.

"White loaf bread commonly used to make sandwiches is the worst form of bread to consume for many reasons, but especially its inflammatory effects," Richards warns. She explains that processed foods such as this one "have undergone a refining process where the fiber and beneficial nutrients are removed and possibly replaced with synthetic versions."

Avoid: Sweetened breads like cinnamon raisin

Sweetened breads contain added sugars, which can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. These spikes can lead to increased insulin production, promoting fat storage and potentially leading to insulin resistance over time. High sugar intake is also linked to inflammation, which can affect gut health and contribute to digestive issues.

Richards warns that refined sugar in bread, in particular, is "harmful for many reasons," as it's "highly inflammatory as well as a food source for bad gut bacteria." Regularly eating sugary breads like cinnamon raisin could lead to increased inflammation and added pounds. "The longer you eat a diet high in sugar, the more your body comes resistant to insulin's effects of lowering your blood sugar," she warns.

Try: Rye Bread

So, what are better alternatives? Rye flour, a key ingredient in this bread, contains a higher proportion of fiber and nutrients compared to refined wheat flour. The fiber content, particularly soluble fiber, contributes to a feeling of fullness and may assist in regulating appetite.

"Many people assume that they need to omit bread from their diet if they are trying to lose weight, but that isn't necessarily true. While the typical white bread doesn't provide the body with very many nutrients, there are other types of bread that do the body good," Van Doren notes. One of those breads is rye bread as she says, "Typically, one slice contains only 65 calories." It's also a nutrient-dense choice that can help with weight loss as she adds: "The food also contains nutrients like selenium, thiamine, manganese, potassium, and fiber."

"Because rye bread is low in calories and quite filling, it can help prevent you from overeating while keeping you in a caloric deficit," Van Doren says.

Try: Whole-Wheat/Whole-Grain Bread

Whole-wheat and whole-grain breads are rich in dietary fiber, particularly insoluble fiber. Fiber plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation by promoting healthy digestion, supporting the gut microbiota, and preventing constipation. In contrast, white bread, made from refined grains, often lacks significant fiber content, which may contribute to inflammation and digestive issues.

Carr says, “The biggest advantage to whole wheat bread is the inclusion of fiber. As opposed to white bread, 100% whole wheat bread is less processed and less refined so it will contain the wheat fiber.” And that can also be helpful for weight loss because, as she says, “Fiber helps us feel fuller longer, it can add volume without calories to a meal, and fiber prevents blood sugar spikes after a meal by slowing down absorption of sugar."

Try: Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread, with its distinct tangy flavor and chewy texture, stands out not only for its taste but also for its potential link to weight management. Unlike some conventional breads that might contribute to weight gain due to refined flours and sugars, sourdough is fermented with a natural sourdough starter, typically consisting of flour and water.

"The natural fermentation process in sourdough bread breaks down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars, resulting in slower digestion and a more gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream," Richards says. "This helps stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing spikes and crashes that can trigger cravings and overeating." She also adds that sourdough bread has "fewer additives and preservatives compared to some commercially produced bread, making it a more wholesome and nutrient-dense option."

"Sourdough bread typically has a denser texture and more substantial flavor, which can promote a feeling of satisfaction and fullness with smaller portions," Richards reveals. "Its complex flavor profile also makes it a satisfying and enjoyable choice, potentially reducing the desire for additional high-calorie snacks or spreads."

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