The One Breakfast Food Every Nutritionists Says To Avoid

August 27, 2020 by SheFinds Health


You’ve probably heard before that eating breakfast can help promote weight loss – and while this is true, there are a few stipulations. Starting your day with a healthy meal can help your body better regulate metabolism and energy throughout the day, meaning you experience better benefits from the foods you eat afterwards. But eating an unhealthy breakfast can be detrimental to your diet, because you could be starting your day with most of your intake of calories, carbs and sugars already met.

There is one extremely popular breakfast food that you probably already have in your kitchen that can be harming your diet in ways you would never realize: frozen waffles.

Frozen waffles are among the most popular breakfast choices for many reasons - they are delicious, easy to make and extremely versatile. Yet this crowd-pleasing meal can seriously damage your diet because of what is printed on their nutrition facts.

The truth is that frozen waffles are loaded with added ingredients that aren’t found in fresh waffles, like canola oil, modified cornstarch or artificial flavoring. Plus, these waffles are always loaded with sugar and carbs. A single serving of Kellogg’s Eggo Strawberry Waffles contains 29 grams of carbs and 6 grams of sugar - way more than you should be eating for breakfast.

If you’re craving waffles for breakfast, you don’t have to skip them completely. Instead, make your own from scratch. This way, you can control the amount of sugar that goes into them and make sure you’re aware of every ingredient you’re eating. Try this easy and healthy Banana Oat Waffle recipe.

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