The One Browser You Need To Stop Using On Your iPhone In 2021, According To Tech Experts
October 25, 2021 by Lisa Cupido
All browsers are not created equal. Some actually have features that are friendlier to your phone and its battery, while others can pose a threat to both your battery and even your data. If you aren’t sure which browser you should be using and which is better left untouched, we spoke with Tech Expert Daniela Sawyer, Founder and Business Development Strategist of, about the one browser you need to stop using on your iPhone in 2021. It’s one you may not have even heard yet, which means you may be tempted to try it out. But before you do, this is why you should practice caution.
YandexThe Yandex browser was ranked as one of the least secure browsers by Trinity College Dublin in an early 2020 study, Sawyer says. The reason for this apprehension is a major cause for concern. “We discovered a data-sharing issue, specifically that it sends persistent identifiers that we can use to link requests to back-end servers,” Sawyer says. “Additionally, browsing data via the search autocomplete function has been discovered to transmit a hashed hardware identifier to back-end servers. What is the most frightening aspect? The procedure for opting out is unknown.”