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Carbohydrates have gotten a bad wrap over the years as dieters have latched onto the idea that this macronutrient is one of the primary causes of weight gain. And while consuming an excess of carbs will cause you to gain weight, the same can be said for just about every food group. However, there is a hierarchy of carbs, and some, such as fruits and vegetables, contain a higher nutritional value than foods such as white bread and sweets which provide more empty calories. Ultimately, there is one carb recommended by health experts that stands out against the rest to help enhance weight loss and nourish your body so you can look and feel your best.

Sweet potatoes are the best carb to include in your diet to help boost weight loss and fill up your body with valuable nutrients that will improve your metabolism. High in fiber and packed with vitamins and minerals to increase functionality of your body, this often vilified food is in fact a great weight loss promoter. “Sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber, nutrients and can help you burn fat. The magic ingredients here are carotenoids, antioxidants which stabilize blood-sugar levels and lower insulin resistance, which prevents calories from being converted into fat. And their high vitamin profile (including A, C, and B6) give you more energy to burn at the gym,” explains certified personal trainer and nutritionist Jenny Abouobaia.

When optimizing your diet for weight loss, it’s important to prioritize foods that provide you with nutrients as well as flavor. High fiber foods such as sweet potatoes are ideal for improving gut health, which makes losing weight and seeing results even easier. “Foods high in naturally occurring fiber help reduce blood sugar and LDL cholesterol. They also help you fill up on fewer calories, so it’s easier to shed excess weight. You’re getting up from the table feeling full rather than hankering for more. A high-fiber diet also helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and certain cancers,” Abouobaia notes.

While you may be hesitant about consuming carbs that you perceive to be “higher calorie” than other options, it’s important to remember that calories are not an evil entity whose only purpose is to cause you to gain weight. Instead, calories are units of energy that you burn to fuel your day and allow you to function properly. Drastically depriving yourself of calories may cause faster weight loss, but you will also feel depleted and find it more difficult to complete your daily functions. A carb such as sweet potato will provide you with ample energy, as well as keep you full and satisfied longer than a less nutritional carb with lower calories.

Carbs are vital for the proper functioning of your body because they provide you with ample energy throughout the day to get through your tasks without feeling drained. While there are certainly unhealthy carbs that should be avoided or cut down on as you try to lose weight, there are also a number of healthy carbohydrates that will support weight loss and leave you feeling your best. As you tailor your diet to meet your lifestyle needs, consider making swaps in order to incorporate more sweet potatoes into your routine for an overall healthier body.