4 Carbs You Can Eat Non-Stop Without Gaining Weight Because They Burn Calories, According To Experts

September 29, 2019 by Lisa Cupido


Carbs don’t have to be your enemy. While it’s true that many people have found weight loss success by eating fewer carbs, it’s important to make the distinction between processed, refined carbs that elevate blood sugar levels and weigh you down and natural, unrefined carbohydrates that provide energy and can actually help you lose weight.

Here are four carbs you can eat non-stop without gaining weight because they burn calories, according to experts.


As part of a healthy carb category known as legumes, peas are high in fiber (4.5 grams of fiber per half cup), low in calories, and they contain a substantial amount of zinc, vitamin C, folate, and manganese.


If you can’t fathom starting your day without carbs, swap processed bagels, waffles, and sugary cereals for a fiber-filled bowl of steel-cut or rolled oats. Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which is a key nutrient that fills you up and helps you stay fuller for longer, which keeps you from indulging in mid-morning snacks.

Black Beans

According to one study, a diet that consists of plenty of high-protein beans like black beans is associated with a lower weight. A winning combo of protein and plenty of filling fiber help make beans one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It doesn’t hurt that they also happen to be extremely versatile and work in stews, salads, soups, and as side dishes.


Tired of brown rice? Change things up by making barley your new favorite side dish, one that just so happens to boast 17 grams of fiber per half cup serving, along with protein, thiamine, niacin, and a wealth of magnesium.

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