4 Carbs Doctors Say You Should STOP Eating Because They Cause Belly Fat

October 15, 2019 by Leah Carton


It’s no secret that dieting can be a difficult journey when you’re trying to lose weight. While healthy dieting mainly revolves around portion control, there are certain foods that you should try to avoid altogether if you’re trying to shed a few extra pounds. Some carbs in particular are roadblocks to weight loss, and it’s time to say goodbye to them. 

There are specific bad carbs that you should stop eating right now because they cause belly fat, according to doctors. Of course there are many different carbs, however, if you want a slimmer waist then let’s hone in on the top four carbs that cause belly fat.

White Rice 

It’s the debate of the century: white rice vs. brown rice. Luckily, Dr. Stephen Sinatra clears up the murky waters of navigating this particular carb. According to Dr. Sinatra, brown rice promotes healthy blood sugar and less inflammation while white rice is stripped away from its essential nutrients.


Now let’s move onto one of our favorite carbs-- bagels, of course. According to Kerry Stewart, Ed.D, director of Clinical and Research Physiology at Johns Hopkins, problem foods include bagels since they’re high in both carbs and sugar, and they also do not provide much fiber. Instead, you should opt for high-fiber and high-protein choices like vegetables, beans, and healthy meats. 

White Bread

The good news is that you don’t need to cut carbs completely out of your ideal healthy diet. According to a research scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, processed foods made with refined flour, such as white bread, are carbs you should avoid since they don’t provide healthy nutrients are more so considered empty calories. 


Last but not least, let’s tackle pasta. According to WebMD, you don’t have to say goodbye to all forms of pasta just yet. Instead of regular pasta opt for whole wheat pasta as a less-refined carb choice. Pastas can in fact be good sources of fiber, but you just need to be careful about which pastas you reach for. 

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