Security Experts Warn You Should Change These Browser Settings Immediately If You Want To Keep Your Personal Data Safe
July 10, 2022 by Lisa Cupido
The next time you take smart steps to secure your personal data by changing your password (hopefully to a far more complex one) or even deleting certain apps that are known to snatch data, also take a minute to consider your browser. You may regard your browser as nothing more than an avenue for transporting you from one site to the next, but that’s a mistake, according to tech and security experts.
“It’s no secret that our personal data is under constant threat from hackers and other online criminals,” says Oberon Copeland, owner and CEO of “But did you know that your web browser could be putting your data at even greater risk? That’s right – the settings on your web browser could be leaving you open to attack. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to protect yourself.”
Copeland outlines three easy ways you can keep your personal data secure when you’re using your browser.
Always Choose UpdatesDon’t sleep on updating apps OR your browser.
“Make sure that your browser is up to date,” Copeland stresses. “Outdated software is one of the biggest security risks because it often contains known vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. By keeping your browser up to date, you’ll ensure that you have the latest security fixes and improvements.”
Make Use Out Of Privacy ControlsYour browser’s privacy controls are there for a good reason — they can keep you safe from people who want to track you and take your data for their own purposes. But so many people are unaware of these controls and how they can help.
“Take a look at your browser’s privacy settings,” Copeland says. “Most browsers offer a variety of options for controlling how your personal data is shared with websites. For example, you can choose to block third-party cookies, disable location tracking, or enable Do Not Track requests. By taking advantage of these privacy controls, you can help keep your data safe from prying eyes.”