The One Charging Mistake *No One* Should Be Making Because It Ruins iPhones, According To Tech Experts
December 10, 2021 by Lisa Cupido
If you’re like most iPhone users, charging your device is probably one of the last things you think about during your day. You simply put the phone on a charger and retrieve it a few hours later (or whenever you remember). Conversely, maybe you’re the type of smartphone user who can’t bare to part with your phone, so you charge it while streaming your favorite TV show or movie (something that tech experts say is a no-no, by the way). There are right and wrong ways to charge your phone and this is the one charging mistake no one should be making because it ruins iPhones, according to Tech Expert Brian Kelso, founder and CEO of BSK DATA and ELECTRICAL PTY LTD.
Charging it to the full 100%It may seem like the absolute best way to ensure your phone stays charged for longer, but powering an iPhone to a full 100 percent is one of the worst things you can do to it. “Indeed, we as a whole realize that anxiety that accompanies going out with batteries at anything short of 90%, however continually keeping a full charge is the greatest offender of killing off telephone batteries,” Kelso says. “Specialists recommend keeping up with your telephone for the day between 30 – 80% as that is the point at which the telephone is running most proficiently. Rather than charging it short-term, it’s additionally suggested that you charge it in more limited however more continuous blasts for the day.”
Here are a few more things Kelso recommends avoiding when charging your iPhone.