The Surprising Breakfast Ingredient You Should Avoid Because It Slowly Causes Weight Gain

August 11, 2021 by Robyn Turk


Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but the wrong foods or ingredients can turn your morning routine into a source of unhealthy habits. And unfortunately, some of our favorite foods can also be some of the worst for us.

And despite its great flavor and versatility of use, cheese is one of the worst ingredients to add to your breakfast. This might come as a surprise, yet eliminating cheese from your morning meal can do wonders for your diet.

Many of us like to add cheese to scrambled eggs, omelettes, toast, bagels or other breakfast ideas, but after reading what we just discovered – you may want to change your habits.

While cheese isn't necessarily an unhealthy food, there are reasons why it can act in negative ways when eaten first thing in the morning. As with many dairy products, cheese is high in calcium, protein, zinc and vitamins A and B-12.

Yet cheese is also loaded with fat, and it is not a great source of fiber, which is important to have in the mornings. But there is another reason why you shouldn't eat cheese with breakfast - especially when you're adding it to eggs.

Ayurvedic expert “Eggs should not be teamed with milk as milk in heavy in itself," Dr. Ashutosh Gautam explained to Food.NDTV. "Combining dairy products with eggs may make it difficult to digest and slow down the digestive processes. Both eggs and cheese are protein dense and protein takes the longest to digest. Delayed digestion can cause several tummy problems. The idea is to not pair two heavy foods together."

If you're looking for healthier alternatives to cheese for breakfast, you're in luck: there are a ton of options out there for you.

Instead of adding cheese to scrambled eggs or omelettes, experiment with various spices like turmeric, curry or even ginger. These can even help boost metabolism.

or if you're looking for ways to get more protein without eating cheese, try eating Greek yogurt with honey and chia seeds as a balanced mornign meal.

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