The One Collagen Smoothie You Should Have Every Single Day To Look 10 Years Younger

September 17, 2020 by Robyn Turk


Collagen is basically the closest thing you can find to eternal youth in real life. The protein is the material our bodies use to build hair and skin, so introducing more of it into your diet is an excellent way to help repair the damages that come with aging, like fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots.

One of the most popular ways to add more collagen into your routine is through smoothies - especially because collagen powders are usually too thick to add to regular drink consistencies. Smoothies can be extra beneficial to your skincare routine because there are other ingredients you can add to them to get even more anti-aging benefits.

The most powerful anti-aging smoothie is the collagen blueberry smoothie, because it blends collagen with the antioxidant benefits of blueberries.

What Blueberries Do For Skin

- Combat damage from free radicals and sun exposure to prevent premature aging

- Boost collagen production and improve circulation for a young-looking, bright complexion

- Reduce inflammation, redness and pigmentation

What Collagen Does For Skin

- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

- Restores elasticity to the skin for a firmer texture

- Repairs damaged hair and skin cells

How To Make A Blueberry Collagen Smoothie

Blueberry collagen smoothies are relatively simple to make. Plus, you can add other foods with anti-aging properties like Greek yogurt and avocados to get even more benefits. The best way to get into a good habit of making smoothies is to try out a few recipes to determine which consistencies and ingredients work best for you. We recommend you start off with this recipe from Savory Lotus for a delicious and healthy example.

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